Journal: Online Information Review

Volume 43, Issue 5

694 -- 709Huawei Zhu, Rungting Tu, Wenting Feng, Jiaojiao Xu. The impacts of evaluation duration and product types on review extremity
710 -- 727Mariola Palazon, Elena Delgado-Ballester, Maria Sicilia. Fostering brand love in Facebook brand pages
728 -- 742Jihye Park, Jaehong Park, Ho-Jung Yoon. The interaction effects of information cascades, system recommendations and recommendations on software downloads
743 -- 759Dana Markowitz-Elfassi, Moran Yarchi, Tal Samuel-Azran. Share, comment, but do not like
760 -- 774Helena Francke. The academic web profile as a genre of "self-making"
775 -- 798Yolanda Ramirez, Elena Merino, Montserrat Manzaneque. Examining the intellectual capital web reporting by Spanish universities
799 -- 817Ivan-Damir Anic, Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Vedran Recher, Vatroslav Skare, Bruno Skrinjaric. Extended model of online privacy concern: what drives consumers' decisions?
818 -- 841Wen-Hai Chih, Chien-Yun Yuan, Ming-Te Liu, Jiann-Fa Fang. The effects of outward and inward negative emotions on consumers' desire for revenge and negative word of mouth
842 -- 866Li-Chun Hsu. Investigating the brand evangelism effect of community fans on social networking sites
867 -- 892Jordi Pujadas-Hostench, Ramon Palau-Saumell, Santiago Forgas-Coll, Javier Sánchez-García. Clothing brand purchase intention through SNS
893 -- 921Francisco José López-Arceiz, Lourdes Torres, Ana José Bellostas Pérezgrueso. Is online disclosure the key to corporate governance?
922 -- 944Javier Andrades, Domingo Martínez-Martínez, Manuel Larrán Jorge, Jesús Herrera Madueño. Online information disclosure in Spanish municipal-owned enterprises