Journal: Optimization Methods and Software

Volume 18, Issue 3

247 -- 264Yuhong Dai, John D. Lamb, Wenbin Liu. Novel supervisor-searcher cooperation algorithms for minimization problems with strong noise
265 -- 282Abdel-Rahman Hedar, Masao Fukushima. Minimizing multimodal functions by simplex coding genetic algorithm
283 -- 297Qin Ni. A globally convergent method of moving asymptotes with trust region technique
299 -- 315Michael Hinze, Thomas Slawig. Adjoint gradients compared to gradients from algorithmic differentiation in instantaneous control of the Navier-Stokes equations
317 -- 333Michal Kocvara, Michael Stingl. PENNON: A code for convex nonlinear and semidefinite programming
335 -- 355János D. Pintér. Globally optimized calibration of nonlinear models: Techniques, software, and applications