Journal: Optimization Methods and Software

Volume 37, Issue 2

405 -- 424Ernesto G. Birgin, Luis Felipe Bueno, José Mario Martínez. On the complexity of solving feasibility problems with regularized models
425 -- 450Matthew E. Wilhelm, Matthew D. Stuber. EAGO.jl: easy advanced global optimization in Julia
451 -- 479Lukás Adam, Václav Mácha 0001. Projections onto the canonical simplex with additional linear inequalities
480 -- 502Matthew R. Billingsley, Paul I. Barton. Generalized derivatives of computer programs
503 -- 545Tim Hoheisel, Blanca Pablos, Aram-Alexandre Pooladian, Alexandra Schwartz, Luke Steverango. A study of one-parameter regularization methods for mathematical programs with vanishing constraints
546 -- 576Reza Najian Asl, Ihar Antonau, Aditya Ghantasala, Wulf G. Dettmer, Roland Wüchner, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger. A partitioned scheme for adjoint shape sensitivity analysis of fluid-structure interactions involving non-matching meshes
577 -- 604Stanislav Baklanov, Maria Stefanova, Sergey Lupuleac. Newton projection method as applied to assembly simulation
605 -- 638Geovani Nunes Grapiglia, Yurii E. Nesterov. Tensor methods for finding approximate stationary points of convex functions
639 -- 657Abdelouafi Ghazi, Ahmed Roubi. A DC approach for minimax fractional optimization programs with ratios of convex functions
658 -- 691Vanessa Krebs, Martin Schmidt 0003. Γ-robust linear complementarity problems
692 -- 711I. G. Akrotirianakis, M. Gratton, Joshua Griffin, Seyed Alireza Yektamaram, Wenwen Zhou. Simultaneous iterative solutions for the trust-region and minimum eigenvalue subproblem
712 -- 752Yuan Zhang, Huifu Xu, Wei Wang 0324. Preference robust models in multivariate utility-based shortfall risk minimization
753 -- 771Heejune Sheen, Makoto Yamashita. Exploiting aggregate sparsity in second-order cone relaxations for quadratic constrained quadratic programming problems
772 -- 799Michael Herty, Sonja Steffensen, Anna Thünen. Solving quadratic multi-leader-follower games by smoothing the follower's best response