Journal: Oper. Res. Lett.

Volume 13, Issue 5

265 -- 275Lee Schruben, Enver Yücesan. Modeling paradigms for discrete event simulation
277 -- 285Russell A. Rushmeier, George L. Nemhauser. Experiments with parallel branch-and-bound algorithms for the set covering problem
287 -- 293Meltem Denizel-Sivri, S. Selçuk Erengüç. A polynomial algorithm for a multi-item capacitated production planning problem
295 -- 303Takahito Kuno. Globally determining a minimum-area rectangle enclosing the projection of a higher-dimensional set
305 -- 313Roger L. Tobin, Terry L. Friesz, Nihal J. Mehta. K-K-T multiploer estimates and objective function lower bounds from projective SUMT
315 -- 323Darko Skorin-Kapov. On a cost allocation problem arising from a capacitated concentrator covering problem
325 -- 329Enrique Ballestero, Carlos Romero. Weighting in compromise programming: A theorem on shadow prices

Volume 13, Issue 4

197 -- 201Leslie A. Hall, Robert J. Vanderbei. Two-thirds is sharp for affine scaling
203 -- 211Nimrod Megiddo, Arie Tamir. Linear time algorithms for some separable quadratic programming problems
213 -- 214J. B. G. Frenk, Martine Labbé, Shuzhong Zhang. A note on a stochastic location problem
215 -- 223Jon Lee 0001, Janny Leung. A comparison of two edge-coloring formulations
225 -- 232Mark Hartmann, Todd Olmstead. Solving sequential knapsack problems
233 -- 237Norman D. Curet. A primal-dual simplex method for linear programs
239 -- 245Xavier de Groote, Evan L. Porteus. An approach to single parameter process design
247 -- 257Douglas J. Morrice, Lee W. Schruben. Simulation factor screening using cross-spectral methods
259 -- 263Izzet Sahin. A generalization of renewal processes

Volume 13, Issue 3

127 -- 132King-Tim Mak, Andrew J. Morton. A modified Lin-Kernighan traveling-salesman heuristic
133 -- 142Gilbert Laporte, François V. Louveaux. The integer L-shaped method for stochastic integer programs with complete recourse
143 -- 148Suvrajeet Sen. Subgradient decomposition and differentiability of the recourse function of a two stage stochastic linear program
149 -- 158János Csirik, André van Vliet. An on-line algorithm for multidimensional bin packing
159 -- 163Gautam M. Appa. k-Integrality, an extension of total unimodularity
165 -- 168James Ledoux. A necessary condition for weak lumpability in finite Markov processes
169 -- 173Toshikazu Kimura. Duality between the Erlang loss system and a finite source queue
175 -- 182Indrajit Bardhan. Diffusion approximations for GI/M/s queues with service interruptions
183 -- 188Lev M. Abolnikov, Jewgeni H. Dshalalow, Alexander M. Dukhovny. A multilevel control bulk queueing system with vacationing server
189 -- 195Don Towsley. A study of a queueing system with three-phase service

Volume 13, Issue 2

61 -- 65Vijaya Chandru, Chung-Yee Lee, Reha Uzsoy. Minimizing total completion time on a batch processing machine with job families
67 -- 73James K. Ho, R. P. Sundarraj. A timing model for the revised simplex method
75 -- 78J. Long, A. C. Williams. On the number of local maxima in quadratic 0-1 programs
79 -- 84Jeroen B. J. M. De Kort. Sensitivity analysis for symmetric 2-peripatetic salesman problems
85 -- 93Raj A. Sivakumar, Rajan Batta, Mark H. Karwan. A network-based model for transporting extremely hazardous materials
95 -- 97X.-D. Hu. A counterexample of the convergence of Rosen's algorithm with inexact line search
99 -- 105Ross Baldick. Generalization of Barahona's algorithm for cases of integer non-linear programming with box constraints
107 -- 112Ivo J. B. F. Adan, Jaap Wessels, W. H. M. Zijm. Matrix-geometric analysis of the shortest queue problem with threshold jockeying
113 -- 120Xi-Ren Cao. Decomposition of random variables with bounded hazard rates
121 -- 125R. A. Danao. 0-matrices in the linear complementarity problem

Volume 13, Issue 1

1 -- 8Chon-Huat Goh, Betsy S. Greenberg, Hirofumi Matsuo. Perishable inventory systems with batch demand and arrivals
9 -- 12Jiri Rohn. Stability of the optimal basis of a linear program under uncertainty
13 -- 18Esther Frostig. On the optimal assignment of servers in a two stations tandem queue with no intermediate waiting room
19 -- 20Jayaram K. Sankaran. A note on resolving infeasibility in linear programs by constraint relaxation
21 -- 26Zhe George Zhang, Raymond G. Vickson. A simple approximation for mean waiting time in M/G/1 queue with vacations and limited service discipline
27 -- 36Fong-Yuen Ding, Liping Cheng. A simple sequencing algorithm for mixed-model assembly lines in just-in-time production systems
37 -- 42A. R. Warburton. Worst-case analysis of some convex hull heuristics for the Euclidean travelling salesman problem
43 -- 44J. F. Weng, Frank K. Hwang. An optimal group testing algorithm on k disjoint sets
45 -- 48Chung-Lun Li, Zhi-Long Chen, T. C. Edwin Cheng. A note on one-processor scheduling with asymmetric earliness and tardiness penalties
49 -- 58Yigal Gerchak, D. Marc Kilgour. Sequential competitions with nondecreasing levels of difficulty