- ShuiGuang Deng, Hailiang Zhao, Binbin Huang, Cheng Zhang, Feiyi Chen, Yinuo Deng, Jianwei Yin, Schahram Dustdar, Albert Y. Zomaya. Cloud-Native Computing: A Survey From the Perspective of Services. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(1):12-46, January 2024.
- Shawn VanCour. Developing Sound Measurement Standards for Early U.S. Radio Loudspeaker Technology: A Tale of Two Ears [Scanning Our Past]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(10):1632-1643, October 2024.
- Badr Bellaj, Aafaf Ouaddah, Emmanuel Bertin, Noël Crespi, Abdellatif Mezrioui. Drawing the Boundaries Between Blockchain and Blockchain-Like Systems: A Comprehensive Survey on Distributed Ledger Technologies. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(3):247-299, March 2024.
- Chao Gong 0001, Yunwei Ryan Li, Navid Reza Zargari. An Overview of Advancements in Multimotor Drives: Structural Diversity, Advanced Control, Specific Technical Challenges, and Solutions. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(3):184-209, March 2024.
- Ashutosh Sabharwal, Besma Smida. In-Band Full Duplex. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(5):402-404, May 2024.
- Nuria González Prelcic, Musa Furkan Keskin, Ossi Kaltiokallio, Mikko Valkama, Davide Dardari, Xiao Shen, Yuan Shen 0001, Murat Bayraktar, Henk Wymeersch. The Integrated Sensing and Communication Revolution for 6G: Vision, Techniques, and Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(7):676-723, July 2024.
- Enyu Shi, Jiayi Zhang 0001, Hongyang Du, Bo Ai 0001, Chau Yuen, Dusit Niyato, Khaled B. Letaief, Xuemin Shen. RIS-Aided Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems for 6G: Fundamentals, System Design, and Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(4):331-364, April 2024.
- Nathan J. Kong, J. Joe Payne, James Zhu, Aaron M. Johnson. Saltation Matrices: The Essential Tool for Linearizing Hybrid Dynamical Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(6):585-608, June 2024.
- Chongjun Ouyang, Zhaolin Wang, Yan Chen 0010, Xidong Mu, Peiying Zhu. A Primer on Near-Field Communications for Next-Generation Multiple Access. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(9):1527-1565, September 2024.
- Yonghwi Kim, Hyung-Joo Moon, Hanju Yoo, Byoungnam Kim, Kai-Kit Wong, Chan-Byoung Chae. A State-of-the-Art Survey on Full-Duplex Network Design. Proceedings of the IEEE, 112(5):463-486, May 2024.