Journal: Parallel Processing Letters

Volume 14, Issue 3-4

327 -- 335Chulho Shin, Seong-Won Lee, Jean-Luc Gaudiot. The need for adaptive dynamic thread scheduling in simultaneous multithreading
337 -- 350Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian, Russ Miller. The systolic reconfigurable mesh
351 -- 359Sergio De Agostino. Almost work-optimal pram erew decoders of LZ compressed text
361 -- 366Burkhard Monien, Imrich Vrto. Improved bounds on cutwidths of shuffle-exchange and de Bruijn graphs
367 -- 375Doina Bein, Wolfgang W. Bein, Natasa Brajkovska, Shahram Latifi. Optimal embedding of honeycomb networks into hypercubes
377 -- 385Ladislav Stacho, Jozef Sirán, Sanming Zhou. Routing balanced communications on hamilton decomposable networks
387 -- 398Martin Gairing, Wayne Goddard, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Petter Kristiansen, Alice A. McRae. Distance-two information in self-stabilizing algorithms
399 -- 410Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Shaomin Zhang, Xiaoping Liu. A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb meshes
411 -- 422Xiaofan Yang, Graham M. Megson, Shaomin Zhang, Xiaoping Liu. A solution to the three disjoint path problem on honeycomb tori

Volume 14, Issue 2

137 -- 150Johan Geijer, Boris Lenhard, Roxana Merino-Martinez, Gunnar Norstedt, Amilcar Flores-Morales. Grid Computing For The Analysis Of Regulatory Elements In Co-Regulated Sets Of Genes
151 -- 162Jose-Roman Bilbao-Castro, Roberto Marabini, José María Carazo, Inmaculada García, José-Jesús Fernández. The Potential Of Grid Computing In Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
163 -- 176Matteo Comin, Carlo Ferrari, Concettina Guerra. Grid Deployment Of Bioinformatics Applications: A Case Study In Protein Similarity Determination
177 -- 196Lydia Maigne, David Hill, Pascal Calvat, Vincent Breton, Romain Reuillon, Yannick Legré, Denise Donnarieix. Parallelization Of Monte Carlo Simulations And Submission To A Grid Environment
197 -- 216Radu Stefanescu, Xavier Pennec, Nicholas Ayache. Grid-Enabled Non-Rigid Registration Of Medical Images
217 -- 237Mario Cannataro, Carmela Comito, Antonio Congiusta, Pierangelo Veltri. PROTEUS: a Bioinformatics Problem Solving Environment on Grids
241 -- 253Mark L. Green, Russ Miller. A Client-Server Prototype For Grid-Enabling Application Template Design
255 -- 270Jemal H. Abawajy. Preemptive Job Scheduling Policy For Distributively-Owned Workstation Clusters
271 -- 286Erez Petrank, Elliot K. Kolodner. Parallel Copying Garbage Collection Using Delayed Allocation
287 -- 313Sid Ahmed Ali Touati, Christine Eisenbeis. Early Periodic Register Allocation on ILP Processors
315 -- 323Fabien Baille, Evripidis Bampis, Christian Laforest. A Note On Bicriteria Schedules With Optimal Approximations Ratios

Volume 14, Issue 1

5 -- 22Axel W. Krings, William S. Harrison, Azad H. Azadmanesh, Miles McQueen. Scheduling Issues In Survivability Applications Using Hybrid Fault Models
23 -- 32Jacek Blazewicz, Adrian Moret-Salvador, Rafal Walkowiak. Parallel Tabu Search Approaches For Two-Dimensional Cutting
33 -- 44Frank Drews, Klaus H. Ecker, Odej Kao, Silke Schomann. Strategies For Workload Balancing In Cluster-Based Image Databases
45 -- 59Maira T. Medina, Celso C. Ribeiro, Luiz F. G. Soares. Automatic Scheduling Of Hypermedia Documents With Elastic Times
61 -- 73Robert Elsässer, Burkhard Monien, Robert Preis, Andreas Frommer. Optimal Diffusion Schemes And Load Balancing On Product Graphs
75 -- 82Martin Gairing, Wayne Goddard, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, David Pokrass Jacobs. Self-Stabilizing Maximal K-Dependent Sets In Linear Time
83 -- 97Jong-Chuang Tsay. Designing A Systolic Algorithm For Generating Well-Formed Parenthesis Strings
99 -- 105Marek Karpinski, Lawrence L. Larmore, Yakov Nekrich. Work-Efficient Algorithms For The Construction Of Length-Limited Huffman Codes
107 -- 117Xiaoli Zhi, Rong Lu, Xinda Lu. Universal Parallel Solver For Convection-Diffusion Equations
119 -- 129Stavros D. Nikolopoulos, Leonidas Palios. Parallel Algorithms For Recognizing P5-Free And P:::5:::-Free Weakly Chordal Graphs