Journal: Quant. Biol.

Volume 11, Issue 1

1 -- 0Quan Cheng, Xuan Wang, Xian-En Zhang, Chengchen Xu, Feng Li. Quantitative functionalization of biosynthetic caged protein materials
15 -- 0Huan Du, Meng Li, Yang Liu. Towards applications of genome-scale metabolic model-based approaches in designing synthetic microbial communities
31 -- 0Limin Jiang, Hui Yu, Yan Guo. Modeling the relationship between gene expression and mutational signature
44 -- 0Luciana I. Escobar, Andres M. Alonso, Jorge R. Ronderos, Luis Diambra. Distal nucleotides affect the rate of stop codon read-through
59 -- 0Darren Wethington, Sayak Mukherjee, Jayajit Das. McSNAC: A software to approximate first-order signaling networks from mass cytometry data
72 -- 0Mingwei Li, Guanglin Chen, Zhiyong Zhang. Structural and dynamic properties of the YTH domain in complex with N$lt;sup$gt;6$lt;/sup$gt;-methyladenosine RNA studied by accelerated molecular dynamics simulations
82 -- 0Rashmi Panigrahi, Senthilkumar Kailasam. Mapping allosteric pathway in NIa-Pro using computational approach
94 -- 0Xian-Fang Wang, Zhi-Yong Du, Qi-Meng Li, Yi-Feng Liu, Shao-Hui Ma, Jui-Wei Cui. Network pharmacology research of mechanism of Maxing Shigan Decoction in treating COVID-19