Journal: Qual. User Exp.

Volume 8, Issue 1

0 -- 0Nikolas Wehner, Michael Seufert, Raimund Schatz, Tobias Hoßfeld. Do you agree? Contrasting Google's Core Web Vitals and the impact of cookie consent banners with actual web QoE
0 -- 0Steve Göring, Rakesh Rao Ramachandra Rao, Alexander Raake. Quality assessment of higher resolution images and videos with remote testing
0 -- 0Reza Amini Gougeh, Tiago H. Falk. Towards instrumental quality assessment of multisensory immersive experiences using a biosensor-equipped head-mounted display
0 -- 0Sruti Subramanian, Katrien De Moor, Markus Fiedler, Kamil Koniuch, Lucjan Janowski. Towards enhancing ecological validity in user studies: a systematic review of guidelines and implications for QoE research
0 -- 0Jean-Eudes Marvie, Yana Nehmé, Danillo Bracco Graziosi, Guillaume Lavoué. Crafting the MPEG metrics for objective and perceptual quality assessment of volumetric videos
0 -- 0Kento Nishimura, Kodai Ito, Ken Fujiwara, Kazuyuki Fujita, Yuichi Itoh. Detection of nodding of interlocutors using a chair-shaped device and investigating relationship between a divergent thinking task and amount of nodding
0 -- 0Eoghan Hynes, Ronan Flynn, Brian Lee 0001, Niall Murray. A QoE evaluation of augmented reality for the informational phase of procedure assistance
0 -- 0Tanja Kojic, Robert P. Spang, Maurizio Vergari, Luis Meier, Sebastian Möller 0001, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons. Effects of user factors on user experience in virtual reality: age, gender, and VR experience as influencing factors for VR exergames
0 -- 0Kaja FjØrtoft Ystgaard, Katrien De Moor. Envisioning the future: a multi-disciplinary approach to human-centered intelligent environments
0 -- 0Oliver Wiedemann, Vlad Hosu, Shaolin Su, Dietmar Saupe. Konx: cross-resolution image quality assessment
0 -- 0Kazuyuki Fujita, Kazuki Takashima, Yuichi Itoh, Yoshifumi Kitamura. Human-Workspace Interaction: prior research efforts and future challenges for supporting knowledge workers