Journal: Queueing Syst.

Volume 61, Issue 4

255 -- 272A. Novak, R. Watson. Determining an adequate probe separation for estimating the arrival rate in an M/D/1 queue using single-packet probing
273 -- 304Eren Basar Çil, E. Lerzan Örmeci, Fikri Karaesmen. Effects of system parameters on the optimal policy structure in a class of queueing control problems
305 -- 328Sergey Zeltyn, Zohar Feldman, Segev Wasserkrug. Waiting and sojourn times in a multi-server queue with mixed priorities
329 -- 331Kurt Majewski. Corrigendum to: Single class queueing networks with discrete and fluid customers on the time interval R

Volume 61, Issue 2-3

85 -- 0Onno J. Boxma. Editorial introduction
87 -- 112Michael H. Veatch, Jonathan R. Senning. Fluid analysis of an input control problem
113 -- 138J. Michael Harrison, John J. Hasenbein. Reflected Brownian motion in the quadrant: tail behavior of the stationary distribution
139 -- 166Ji-Hong Li, Naishuo Tian, Zhe George Zhang, Hsing Paul Luh. Analysis of the M/G/1 queue with exponentially working vacations - a matrix analytic approach
167 -- 202Guodong Pang, Ward Whitt. Heavy-traffic limits for many-server queues with service interruptions
203 -- 241Kurt Majewski. Functional continuity and large deviations for the behavior of single-class queueing networks
243 -- 254Bara Kim, Jeongsim Kim. Tail asymptotics for the queue size distribution in a discrete-time ::::Geo:::: / ::::G:::: /1 retrial queue

Volume 61, Issue 1

1 -- 35Christine Fricker, Fabrice Guillemin, Philippe Robert. Perturbation analysis of an ::::M::::/::::M::::/1 queue in a diffusion random environment
37 -- 63Ivo J. B. F. Adan, Michel Mandjes, Werner R. W. Scheinhardt, Elena I. Tzenova. On a generic class of two-node queueing systems
65 -- 84Brian H. Fralix, Ivo J. B. F. Adan. An infinite-server queue influenced by a semi-Markovian environment