Journal: RAIRO - Operations Research

Volume 38, Issue 2

85 -- 88Erol Gelenbe. Advances in Modelling of Complex Systems : Preface to the Special Issue
89 -- 103Khaled Hussain, Varol Kaptan. Modeling and simulation with augmented reality
105 -- 119Pavel Bocharov, Ciro D'Apice, Evgeny Gavrilov, Alexander Pechinkin. Product form solution for g-networks with dependent service
121 -- 151Jesus R. Artalejo, Antonis Economou. X/M/1 queue with batches of negative customers
153 -- 171Olga V. Semenova. Optimal control for a BMAP/SM/1 queue with MAP-input of disasters and two operation modes
173 -- 191Jayesh Kumaran, Kenneth Mitchell, Appie van de Liefvoort. ME/ME/1 queue