Journal: Random Struct. Algorithms

Volume 38, Issue 3

235 -- 250Michael Krivelevich, Benny Sudakov, Nicholas C. Wormald. Regular induced subgraphs of a random Graph
251 -- 268Dimitris Achlioptas, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi. On the solution-space geometry of random constraint satisfaction problems
269 -- 323Béla Bollobás, Svante Janson, Oliver Riordan. Sparse random graphs with clustering
324 -- 349Colin Cooper, Alan M. Frieze. The cover time of random geometric graphs
350 -- 364Abraham Flaxman, David Gamarnik, Gregory B. Sorkin. First-passage percolation on a ladder graph, and the path cost in a VCG auction
365 -- 380Linh V. Tran. Piercing random boxes