Journal: Random Struct. Algorithms

Volume 6, Issue 2/3

121 -- 146Rainer Kemp. On the Inner Structure of Multidimensional Simply Generated Trees
147 -- 160V. F. Kolchin. On Classification in Presence of Measurement Errors
161 -- 180Michael Molloy, Bruce A. Reed. A Critical Point for Random Graphs with a Given Degree Sequence
181 -- 192Jerzy Tyszkiewicz. Probabilities in First-Order Logic of a Unary Function and a Binary Relation
193 -- 200David A. Grable. The Diameter of a Random Graph with Bounded Diameter
201 -- 208Lars Holst. The General Birthday Problem
209 -- 212Richard A. Duke, Hanno Lefmann, Vojtech Rödl. On Uncrowded Hypergraphs
213 -- 220Svante Janson. Hamilton Cycles in a Random Tournament
221 -- 230Béla Bollobás, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Tomasz Luczak. Connectivity Properties of Random Subgraphs of the Cube
231 -- 238Graham Brightwell. Random Graph Orders Do Not Satisfy a 0-1 Law
239 -- 260James F. Lynch. On the Threshold of Chaos in Random Boolean Cellular Automata
261 -- 268Noga Alon, Zsolt Tuza. The Acyclic Orientation Game on Random Graphs
269 -- 274Alexandr V. Kostochka. The Number of Spanning Trees in Graphs with Given Degree Sequence
275 -- 296Andrew M. Odlyzko. Search for the Maximum of a Random Walk
297 -- 308Wojciech Kordecki. Maximal Full Subspaces in Random Projective Spaces- Thresholds and Poisson Approximation
309 -- 318Paul Erdös, Stephen Suen, Peter Winkler. On the Size of a Random Maximal Graph
319 -- 322Paul Erdös, Vojtech Rödl. Covering of r-Graphs by Complete r-Partite Subgraphs
323 -- 330Zsolt Tuza. How to Make A Random Graph Irregular
331 -- 340Robert S. Maier. The Shape of Stretched Planar Trees
341 -- 352Svante Janson. A Graph Fourier Transform and Proportional Graphs
353 -- 356Béla Bollobás, Andrew Thomason. Generalized Chromatic Numbers of Random Graphs
357 -- 366Michael Drmota. Correlations on the Strata of a Random Mapping