Journal: Random Struct. Algorithms

Volume 18, Issue 4

297 -- 331Artur Czumaj, Volker Stemann. Randomized allocation processes
332 -- 345Damien G. White. On the value of the critical point in fractal percolation
346 -- 363Michael Krivelevich, Benny Sudakov, Van H. Vu, Nicholas C. Wormald. Random regular graphs of high degree
364 -- 380Jean-François Marckert. Parking with density
381 -- 418David Aldous. The zeta(2) limit in the random assignment problem

Volume 18, Issue 3

201 -- 256Béla Bollobás, Christian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Jeong Han Kim, David Bruce Wilson. The scaling window of the 2-SAT transition
257 -- 266Geoffrey R. Grimmett. Infinite paths in randomly oriented lattices
267 -- 278Olle Häggström. A note on disagreement percolation
279 -- 290Béla Bollobás, Oliver Riordan, Joel Spencer, Gábor E. Tusnády. The degree sequence of a scale-free random graph process
291 -- 296Ilan Adler, Noga Alon, Sheldon M. Ross. On the maximum number of Hamiltonian paths in tournaments

Volume 18, Issue 2

101 -- 115Michael Molloy. Very rapidly mixing Markov chains for 2-colorings and for independent sets in a graph with maximum degree 4
116 -- 140Anne Condon, Richard M. Karp. Algorithms for graph partitioning on the planted partition model
141 -- 152Malgorzata Bednarska, Tomasz Luczak. Biased positional games and the phase transition
153 -- 163Robert T. Smythe. The Boyer-Moore-Horspool heuristic with Markovian input
164 -- 184Boris Pittel, R. Tungol. A phase transition phenomenon in a random directed acyclic graph
185 -- 200Christian Mazza, Didier Piau. On the effect of selection in genetic algorithms

Volume 18, Issue 1

1 -- 17V. S. Anil Kumar, H. Ramesh. Coupling vs. conductance for the Jerrum-Sinclair chain
18 -- 30Andrei Z. Broder, Michael Mitzenmacher. Completeness and robustness properties of min-wise independent permutations
31 -- 38Malwina J. Luczak, Colin McDiarmid. Bisecting sparse random graphs
39 -- 60Dudley Stark. Compound Poisson approximations of subgraph counts in random graphs
61 -- 82Deryk Osthus, Anusch Taraz. Random maximal H-free graphs
83 -- 94Alan M. Frieze. Hamilton cycles in the union of random permutations
95 -- 98Colin Cooper. The union of two random permutations does not have a directed Hamilton cycle
99 -- 100Svante Janson, Yannis C. Stamatiou, Malvina Vamvakari. Erratum to Bounding the Unsatisfiability Threshold of Random 3-SAT