Journal: Random Struct. Algorithms

Volume 55, Issue 4

773 -- 774. Issue information
775 -- 794Matas Sileikis, Lutz Warnke. A counterexample to the DeMarco-Kahn upper tail conjecture
795 -- 807Wiebke Bedenknecht, Jie Han 0002, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Guilherme Oliveira Mota. Powers of tight Hamilton cycles in randomly perturbed hypergraphs
808 -- 830Carina Betken, Hanna Döring, Marcel Ortgiese. Fluctuations in a general preferential attachment model via Stein's method
831 -- 853Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya, Sumit Mukherjee. Limit theorems for monochromatic stars
854 -- 864Julia Böttcher, Jie Han 0002, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Richard Montgomery 0001, Olaf Parczyk, Yury Person. Universality for bounded degree spanning trees in randomly perturbed graphs
865 -- 880Colin Cooper, Alan M. Frieze, Wesley Pegden. Minors of a random binary matroid
881 -- 925Hafsteinn Einarsson, Johannes Lengler, Frank Mousset, Konstantinos Panagiotou, Angelika Steger. Bootstrap percolation with inhibition
926 -- 949Zur Luria, Michael Simkin. On the threshold problem for Latin boxes
950 -- 979Arès Méroueh, Andrew Thomason. List colorings of multipartite hypergraphs
980 -- 1009Ali Pourmiri. Balanced allocation on graphs: A random walk approach

Volume 55, Issue 3

529 -- 530. Issue information
531 -- 544Hüseyin Acan, Jeff Kahn. Disproof of a packing conjecture of Alon and Spencer
545 -- 559Daniel Ahlberg, Maria Deijfen, Svante Janson. Competing first passage percolation on random graphs with finite variance degrees
560 -- 583Marek Biskup, Jeffrey Lin. Sharp asymptotic for the chemical distance in long-range percolation
584 -- 614Antonio Blanca, Pietro Caputo, Alistair Sinclair, Eric Vigoda. Spatial mixing and nonlocal Markov chains
615 -- 648Ariane Carrance. Uniform random colored complexes
649 -- 676Alan M. Frieze, Wesley Pegden. Traveling in randomly embedded random graphs
677 -- 695Nati Linial, Yuval Peled. Enumeration and randomized constructions of hypertrees
696 -- 718Tomasz Luczak, Abram Magner, Wojciech Szpankowski. Asymmetry and structural information in preferential attachment graphs
719 -- 741Pawel Pralat, Nicholas C. Wormald. Meyniel's conjecture holds for random d-regular graphs
742 -- 771Sigurdur Örn Stefánsson, Benedikt Stufler. Geometry of large Boltzmann outerplanar maps

Volume 55, Issue 2

247 -- 248. Issue information
249 -- 270Svante Janson. Patterns in random permutations avoiding the pattern 321
271 -- 289Matthew Coulson, Guillem Perarnau. Rainbow matchings in Dirac bipartite graphs
290 -- 312Luc Devroye, Vida Dujmovic, Alan M. Frieze, Abbas Mehrabian, Pat Morin, Bruce A. Reed. Notes on growing a tree in a graph
313 -- 341Shirshendu Ganguly, Fabio Martinelli. Upper triangular matrix walk: Cutoff for finitely many columns
342 -- 355Alexander Gnedin, Vadim Gorin. Spherically symmetric random permutations
356 -- 370Mark Huber. An optimal (ϵ, δ)-randomized approximation scheme for the mean of random variables with bounded relative variance
371 -- 401Christopher Kusch, Juanjo Rué, Christoph Spiegel, Tibor Szabó. On the optimality of the uniform random strategy
402 -- 426Ilan Newman, Yuri Rabinovich, Deepak Rajendraprasad, Christian Sohler. Testing for forbidden order patterns in an array
427 -- 495Elie de Panafieu. Analytic combinatorics of connected graphs
496 -- 528Benedikt Stufler. The continuum random tree is the scaling limit of unlabeled unrooted trees

Volume 55, Issue 1

1 -- 2. Issue information
3 -- 55Remco van der Hofstad, Svante Janson, Malwina J. Luczak. Component structure of the configuration model: Barely supercritical case
56 -- 72Arvind Ayyer, Svante Linusson. Reverse juggling processes
73 -- 88Eric Blais, Yuichi Yoshida. A characterization of constant-sample testable properties
89 -- 103Maurits de Graaf, Richard J. Boucherie, Johann L. Hurink, Jan-Kees C. W. van Ommeren. An average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the power assignment problem
104 -- 124Artur Czumaj, Morteza Monemizadeh, Krzysztof Onak, Christian Sohler. Planar graphs: Random walks and bipartiteness testing
125 -- 152Michael Drmota, Emma Yu Jin, Benedikt Stufler. Graph limits of random graphs from a subset of connected k-trees
153 -- 159Vance Faber, David G. Harris. Edge-coloring linear hypergraphs with medium-sized edges
160 -- 172Bernardo N. B. de Lima, Leonardo T. Rolla, Daniel Valesin. Monotonicity and phase diagram for multirange percolation on oriented trees
173 -- 214Christian Táfula. An extension of the Erdős-Tetali theorem
215 -- 246Alessandro Zocca. Tunneling of the hard-core model on finite triangular lattices