Journal: Real-Time Imaging

Volume 6, Issue 6

415 -- 431Luciano da Fontoura Costa. Robust Skeletonization through Exact Euclidean Distance Transform and its Application to Neuromorphometry
433 -- 448Seong-Woo Park, Yongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong. Real-Time Camera Calibration for Virtual Studio
449 -- 459Xinding Sun, Mohan S. Kankanhalli. Video Summarization Using R-Sequences
461 -- 470Panagiotis Tzionas. A Cellular Automaton Processor for Line and Corner Detection in Gray-Scale Images
471 -- 485Liren Zhang, David Chow, Chee Hock Ng. Adaptation of MPEG Video in ATM Networks Using Forward Loss/Error Recovery (FLER) Scheme

Volume 6, Issue 5

325 -- 326Shan Suthaharan, Sivapragasam Sathananthan, Carl Pantsios Markhauser, Ling Guan. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Digital Video over Multimedia Networks
327 -- 345Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Anastasios D. Doulamis, Stefanos D. Kollias. Improving the Performance of MPEG Compatible Encoding at Low Bit Rates Using Adaptive Neural Networks
347 -- 357Gajendra Sisodia, Ling Guan, Mark Hedley, Subrata De. A New Modeling Approach of H.263+ VBR Coded Video Sources in ATM Networks
359 -- 373Pedro Cuenca, Luis Orozco-Barbosa, Antonio Jose Garrido del Solo, Francisco J. Quiles. Control Mechanisms for Error-Resilient MPEG-2 Video Communications over ATM Networks
375 -- 389S. Hungenahally, Jane You. Parallel Wavelet Transform over Distributed Computer Network for Real-Time Applications
391 -- 405Stephen Welsh, Damian Conway. Encoding Video Narration as Text
407 -- 414Hwang-Seok Oh, Heung-Kyu Lee. Block-matching algorithm based on an adaptive reduction of the search area for motion estimation

Volume 6, Issue 4

251 -- 266M. Hatzitheodorou, Evaggelia-Aggeliki Karabassi, Georgios Papaioannou, A. Boehm, Theoharis Theoharis. Stereo Matching Using Optic Flow
267 -- 281Christian Hufnagl, Andreas Uhl. Algorithms for Fractal Image Compression on Massively Parallel SIMD Arrays
283 -- 295Odemir Martinez Bruno, Luciano da Fontoura Costa. Effective Image Segmentation with Flexible ICM-Based Markov Random Fields in Distributed Systems of Personal Computers
297 -- 312Chokri Souani, Mohamed Atri, Mohamed Abid, Kholdoun Torki, Rached Tourki. Design of New Optimized Architecture Processor for DWT
313 -- 324Alberto Broggi, Massimo Bertozzi, Alessandra Fascioli. Architectural Issues on Vision-Based Automatic Vehicle Guidance: The Experience of the ARGO Project

Volume 6, Issue 3

175 -- 183Peter Mattson, Chris Basoglu, Yongmin Kim. Interactive Image Morphing on a Single-Chip Multiprocessor using a Multilayered Parallel Image Computing Library
185 -- 193Phil Douville. Real-Time Classification of Traffic Signs
195 -- 211Tamás Szirányi, Josiane Zerubia, László Czúni, David Geldreich, Zoltan Kato. Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Model in Fully Parallel Cellular Network Architectures
213 -- 221Abdelaziz Bensrhair, N. Chafiqui, Pierre Miché. Implementation of a 3D Vision System on DSPs TMS320C31
223 -- 239Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, M. J. Patel, Nasser D. Kehtarnavaz, Yoganand Balagurunathan, Edward R. Dougherty. A Constant-time Algorithm for Erosions/Dilations with Applications to Morphological Texture Feature Computation
241 -- 249Mohammed Yakoob Siyal, Mahmood Fathy, Mohammed Atiquzzaman. A Parallel Pipeline Based Multiprocessor System For Real-Time Measurement of Road Traffic Parameters

Volume 6, Issue 2

77 -- 78Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Harry Wechsler. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the Hough Transform. Has the Hough Transform Come of Age?
79 -- 91Ville Kyrki, Heikki Kälviäinen. Combination of Local and Global Line Extraction
93 -- 111Gian Luca Foresti. A Real-Time Hough-Based Method for Segment Detection in Complex Multisensor Images
113 -- 127Cheyne Gaw Ho, Rupert C. D. Young, Chris D. Bradfield, Chris R. Chatwin. A Fast Hough Transform for the Parametrisation of Straight Lines using Fourier Methods
129 -- 141Babak Nadjar Araabi, Nasser D. Kehtarnavaz. Hough Array Processing via Fast Multi-Scale Clustering
143 -- 153Chris Trayner, Nicholas J. Bailey, Barry R. Haynes. Time-Gradient Hough Transforms--Constraining Object Identification by Speed of Motion
155 -- 172Maria Grazia Albanesi, Marco Ferretti, Davide Rizzo. Benchmarking Hough Transform Architectures for Real-Time

Volume 6, Issue 1

1 -- 0Nasser D. Kehtarnavaz. Editorial
3 -- 16Paul M. Antoszczyszyn, John M. Hannah, Peter M. Grant. Facial Motion Analysis for Content-based Video Coding
17 -- 27Alper Baykut, Alper Atalay, Aytül Erçil, Mustafa Güler. Real-time Defect Inspection of Textured Surfaces
29 -- 37Carl G. Looney. Nonlinear Rule-based Convolution for Refocusing
39 -- 46Erdal Yazicioglu, Sina Balkir, Günhan Dündar, Hakan Çalar. Implementation of a New Orthogonal Shuffled Block Transform for Image Coding Applications
47 -- 54M. Bi, S. H. Ong, Yew Hock Ang. Removal of Grid-Pattern Noise Introduced by M -Channel Subband Image Coding
55 -- 67Mohammed Yeasin, Subhasis Chaudhuri. Development of an Automated Image Processing System for Kinematic Analysis of Human Gait
69 -- 76Aleksandar B. Samardzic, Emil Jovanov, Dusan Starcevic. Real-time Visualization of Brain Electrical Activity