Journal: Science of Computer Programming

Volume 32, Issue 1-3

3 -- 47Simon L. Peyton Jones, André L. M. Santos. A Transformation-Based Optimiser for Haskell
49 -- 72Geoffrey Smith, Dennis M. Volpano. A Sound Polymorphic Type System for a Dialect of C
73 -- 107Helmut Seidl, Morten Heine Sørensen. Constraints to Stop Deforestation
109 -- 143Eva Rose. Linear-Time Hierarchies for a Functional Language Machine Model
145 -- 176Roberto Barbuti, Nicoletta De Francesco, Paolo Mancarella, Antonella Santone. Towards a Logical Semantics for Pure Prolog
177 -- 210Roberto Giacobazzi, Francesco Ranzato. Optimal Domains for Disjunctive Abstract Intepretation