Journal: Social Choice and Welfare

Volume 46, Issue 4

707 -- 747William V. Gehrlein, Dominique Lepelley, Florenz Plassmann. Should voters be required to rank candidates in an election?
749 -- 766Kazuhiko Hashimoto, Hiroki Saitoh. Strategy-proof rules for an excludable public good
767 -- 776Arnold Polanski. Matching structure and bargaining outcomes in buyer-seller networks
777 -- 809Bram Driesen. Bargaining, conditional consistency, and weighted lexicographic Kalai-Smorodinsky Solutions
811 -- 837Calin Arcalean, Ioana Schiopu. Inequality, opting-out and public education funding
839 -- 861Mihir Bhattacharya. Multilevel multidimensional consistent aggregators
863 -- 892Dmitriy Vorobyev. Participation in fraudulent elections
893 -- 898Kazuo Yamaguchi. Borda winner in facility location problems on sphere
899 -- 915Javier Rivas. Private agenda and re-election incentives
917 -- 931Walter Bossert, Burak Can, Conchita D'Ambrosio. Measuring rank mobility with variable population size
933 -- 954Orit Arzi, Yonatan Aumann, Yair Dombb. Toss one's cake, and eat it too: partial divisions can improve social welfare in cake cutting

Volume 46, Issue 3

477 -- 494Katherine Baldiga Coffman. Representative democracy and the implementation of majority-preferred alternatives
495 -- 509Sebastian Bervoets, Vincent Merlin. On avoiding vote swapping
511 -- 520Ivan Balbuzanov. Convex strategyproofness with an application to the probabilistic serial mechanism
521 -- 542Jean-François Carpantier, Christelle Sapata. Empirical welfare analysis: when preferences matter
543 -- 568Andrea Robbett. Community dynamics in the lab
569 -- 608Takashi Hayashi. Consistent updating of social welfare functions
609 -- 638Yuliya Veselova. The difference between manipulability indices in the IC and IANC models
639 -- 653Mitri Kitti. Axioms for centrality scoring with principal eigenvectors
655 -- 694Benoit Decerf, Martin Van der Linden. Fair social orderings with other-regarding preferences
695 -- 706Shaofang Qi. A characterization of the n-agent Pareto dominance relation

Volume 46, Issue 2

239 -- 262Pau Balart, Sabine Flamand, Orestis Troumpounis. Strategic choice of sharing rules in collective contests
263 -- 286Felix Kölle, Dirk Sliwka, Nannan Zhou. Heterogeneity, inequity aversion, and group performance
287 -- 299Eyal Baharad, Shmuel Nitzan. Is majority consistency possible?
301 -- 333Conal Duddy, Ashley Piggins, William S. Zwicker. Aggregation of binary evaluations: a Borda-like approach
335 -- 358John E. Roemer, Pedro Rosa Dias. Barefoot and footloose doctors: optimal resource allocation in developing countries with medical migration
359 -- 387Erwin Ooghe, Erik Schokkaert. School accountability: can we reward schools and avoid pupil selection?
389 -- 406King King Li, Toru Suzuki. Jury voting without objective probability
407 -- 449Gregory Ponthiere. The contribution of improved joint survival conditions to living standards: an equivalent consumption approach
451 -- 475M. Josune Albizuri, Peter Sudhölter. Characterizations of the core of TU and NTU games with communication structures

Volume 46, Issue 1

1 -- 38Arnaud Dellis, Mandar P. Oak. Multiple votes, multiple candidacies and polarization
39 -- 55Ronen Shnayderman. Ian Carter's non-evaluative theory of freedom and diversity: a critique
57 -- 79Bernard Gauthier, Jonathan Goyette. Fiscal policy and corruption
81 -- 91Felix Brandt, Christian Geist, Paul Harrenstein. A note on the McKelvey uncovered set and Pareto optimality
93 -- 118John Duggan. Preference exclusions for social rationality
119 -- 155Stefan Ambec, Yann Kervinio. Cooperative decision-making for the provision of a locally undesirable facility
157 -- 182Jean Lainé, Ali Ihsan Ozkes, Remzi Sanver. Hyper-stable social welfare functions
183 -- 212James Green-Armytage, T. Nicolaus Tideman, Rafael Cosman. Statistical evaluation of voting rules
213 -- 237Nicola Maaser, Alexander Mayer. Codecision in context: implications for the balance of power in the EU