Journal: Social Choice and Welfare

Volume 50, Issue 4

581 -- 596Justin Burkett, Francis Flanagan, Amanda L. Griffith. Allocating group housing
597 -- 624Razvan Vlaicu. Inequality, participation, and polarization
625 -- 661L. Andreassen, M. L. Di Tommaso. Estimating capabilities with random scale models: women's freedom of movement
663 -- 676Junichi Minagawa, Thorsten Upmann. Optimal taxation under a consumption target
677 -- 703Daniele Checchi, Gianni De Fraja, Stefano Verzillo. Selections from ordered sets
705 -- 719Yan Long. Envy-free and budget-balanced assignment of identical objects
721 -- 739Dimitrios Xefteris, Galina Zudenkova. Electoral competition under costly policy implementation

Volume 50, Issue 3

387 -- 423Klaus Abbink, David Masclet, Daniel Mirza. Inequality and inter-group conflicts: experimental evidence
425 -- 455Hans Gersbach, Hans Haller. Power at general equilibrium
457 -- 479Mor Nitzan, Shmuel Nitzan, Erel Segal-haLevi. Flexible level-1 consensus ensuring stable social choice: analysis and algorithms
481 -- 518Amjad Naveed, Cong Wang. Can religion explain cross-country differences in inequality? A global perspective
519 -- 546Philippe Choné, Guy Laroque. On the redistributive power of pensions
547 -- 580Ronen Gradwohl. Privacy in implementation

Volume 50, Issue 2

191 -- 212Gilles Le Garrec. Fairness, social norms and the cultural demand for redistribution
213 -- 245Heinrich H. Nax, Stefano Balietti, Ryan O. Murphy, Dirk Helbing. Adding noise to the institution: an experimental welfare investigation of the contribution-based grouping mechanism
247 -- 264Kristof Bosmans, Z. Emel Öztürk. An axiomatic approach to the measurement of envy
265 -- 279Kui Ou-Yang. Generalized rawlsianism
281 -- 303Margherita Negri. Preferential votes and minority representation in open list proportional representation systems
305 -- 328Susumu Cato. Collective rationality and decisiveness coherence
329 -- 352Raúl Pérez-Fernández, Bernard De Baets. The supercovering relation, the pairwise winner, and more missing links between Borda and Condorcet
353 -- 385Yaron Azrieli. The price of 'one person, one vote'

Volume 50, Issue 1

1 -- 33Dominique Lepelley, Issofa Moyouwou, Hatem Smaoui. Monotonicity paradoxes in three-candidate elections using scoring elimination rules
35 -- 64Ngo Van Long, Vincent Martinet. Combining rights and welfarism: a new approach to intertemporal evaluation of social alternatives
65 -- 99Julia Belau. The class of ASN-position values
101 -- 122Nhan-Tam Nguyen, Dorothea Baumeister, Jörg Rothe. Strategy-proofness of scoring allocation correspondences for indivisible goods
123 -- 146Yukinori Iwata. Salience and limited attention
147 -- 170Debasis Mishra, Tridib Sharma. A simple budget-balanced mechanism
171 -- 189Eric Kamwa, Vincent Merlin. Coincidence of Condorcet committees