Journal: SIAM Review

Volume 54, Issue 4

625 -- 0Desmond J. Higham. Survey and Review
627 -- 666Martin J. Gander, Gerhard Wanner. From Euler, Ritz, and Galerkin to Modern Computing
667 -- 696Qiang Du, Max Gunzburger, Richard B. Lehoucq, Kun Zhou. Analysis and Approximation of Nonlocal Diffusion Problems with Volume Constraints
697 -- 0Ray Tuminaro. Research Spotlights
699 -- 754Guo-Wei Wei, Qiong Zheng, Zhan Chen, Kelin Xia. Variational Multiscale Models for Charge Transport
755 -- 0. SIGEST
757 -- 798Liliana Borcea, F. González del Cueto, George Papanicolaou, Chrysoula Tsogka. Filtering Deterministic Layer Effects in Imaging
799 -- 0Louis F. Rossi. Education
801 -- 823Jeffrey Humpherys, Preston Redd, Jeremy M. West. A Fresh Look at the Kalman Filter
827 -- 847Bob O'Malley. Book Reviews

Volume 54, Issue 3

419 -- 0Desmond J. Higham. Survey and Review
421 -- 509Olga Holtz, Mikhail Tyaglov. Structured Matrices, Continued Fractions, and Root Localization of Polynomials
511 -- 0Ray Tuminaro. Research Spotlights
513 -- 541Venkat Chandrasekaran, Pablo A. Parrilo, Alan S. Willsky. Convex Graph Invariants
543 -- 0. SIGEST
545 -- 569Thanh T. Ngo, Mohammed Bellalij, Yousef Saad. The Trace Ratio Optimization Problem
571 -- 0Louis F. Rossi. Education
573 -- 596Martin J. Gander, Felix Kwok. Chladni Figures and the Tacoma Bridge: Motivating PDE Eigenvalue Problems via Vibrating Plates
597 -- 606Robert J. Vanderbei. Local Warming
609 -- 623Bob O'Malley. Book Reviews

Volume 54, Issue 2

209 -- 0Desmond J. Higham. Survey and Review
211 -- 288Mathieu Desroches, John Guckenheimer, Bernd Krauskopf, Christian Kuehn, Hinke M. Osinga, Martin Wechselberger. Mixed-Mode Oscillations with Multiple Time Scales
289 -- 0Ray Tuminaro. Research Spotlights
291 -- 324A. S. Fokas, E. A. Spence. Synthesis, as Opposed to Separation, of Variables
325 -- 0. SIGEST
327 -- 352Mark A. Peletier, Giuseppe Savaré, Marco Veneroni. Chemical Reactions as Gamma-Limit of Diffusion
353 -- 0Louis F. Rossi. Education
355 -- 373Aaron Melman. Modified Gershgorin Disks for Companion Matrices
374 -- 388Eleftherios Kirkinis. The Renormalization Group: A Perturbation Method for the Graduate Curriculum
391 -- 417Bob O'Malley. Book Reviews

Volume 54, Issue 1

1 -- 0Desmond J. Higham. Survey and Review
3 -- 51John R. Ockendon, R. H. Tew. Thin-Layer Solutions of the Helmholtz and Related Equations
52 -- 118Gareth Wyn Jones, S. Jonathan Chapman. Modeling Growth in Biological Materials
119 -- 0Ilse Ipsen. Research Spotlights
121 -- 138Margot Kimura, Jeff Moehlis. Group Decision-Making Models for Sequential Tasks
139 -- 0. SIGEST
141 -- 154Péter Csorba, Cor A. J. Hurkens, Gerhard J. Woeginger. The Alcuin Number of a Graph and Its Connections to the Vertex Cover Number
155 -- 0Louis F. Rossi. Education
157 -- 178Steven J. Cox, Mark Embree, Jeffrey M. Hokanson. One Can Hear the Composition of a String: Experiments with an Inverse Eigenvalue Problem
181 -- 208Bob O'Malley. Book Reviews