Journal: ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad

Volume 31, Issue 1

4 -- 7Jon McGrew, John M. Mizel, Brian Redman. Introducing A+: ... a new APL system!
8 -- 15Walter H. Niehoff. APL graphics dump
16 -- 17Clifford A. Reiter. With J: Fast Fourier transforms and removing motion blur
20 -- 24Stephen M. Mansour. A review of APL-Berlin-2000 by Stephen M. Mansour
25 -- 27Garth Foster. APL-Berlin-2000—an observation
28 -- 0Jon McGrew. The Kenneth E. Iverson award for outstanding contribution to the development and application of APL
29 -- 30Alexander O. Skomorokhov. The SovAPL award for excellence in APL
31 -- 34Clifford A. Reiter. Whither J: observations at the J user conference 2000
35 -- 36David E. Siegel. A review of the APL2000 user conference by David E. Siegel
37 -- 0Kevin Weaver. A review of the APL2000 user conference by Kevin Weaver
38 -- 39Richard Woll. A review of the APL2000 user conference by Richard Woll
40 -- 0Teresa Camarillo-Mandell. Exciting!: A newbie s view of the APL2000 conference