Journal: SIGLOG News

Volume 7, Issue 1

3 -- 0Neil Immerman. Complexity column
4 -- 33Christoph Berkholz, Fabian Gerhardt, Nicole Schweikardt. Constant delay enumeration for conjunctive queries: a tutorial
34 -- 0Ranko Lazic. Verification column
35 -- 45Nathalie Bertrand 0001. Model checking randomized distributed algorithms
46 -- 0Jorge A. Pérez. Conference reports
47 -- 50Mário S. Alvim, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis 0001, Carlos Olarte, Frank D. Valencia. Catuscia Palamidessi: a journey from logic and concurrency to security and privacy
51 -- 0Andrzej S. Murawski. The 2020 Alonzo Church award for outstanding contributions to logic and computation: call for nominations
52 -- 73Daniela Petrisan. Siglog monthly 204