Journal: Operating Systems Review

Volume 26, Issue 4

5 -- 13Frank W. Miller. The Performance of a Mixed Priority Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm
14 -- 29Jon Inouye, Ravindranath Konuru, Jonathan Walpole, Bart Sears. The Effects of Virtually Addressed Caches on Virtual Memory Design and Performance
30 -- 61Uwe M. Borghoff. Design of Optimal Distributed File Systems: A Framework for Research
62 -- 76Jiannong Cao, K.-C. Wang. An Abstract Model of Rollback Recovery Control in Distributed Systems
77 -- 83Gerard Florin, Christian Toinard. A New Way to Design Causally and Totally Ordered Multicast Protocols
84 -- 89A. Kehne, Jürgen Schönwälder, Horst Langendörfer. A Nonce-Based Protocol For Multiple Authentications
90 -- 97James D. Mooney. The CTRON Approach to Operating System Support for Software Portability
98 -- 100Michael Kifer, Scott A. Smolka. OSP: An Environment for Operating System Projects