Journal: SIGPLAN Notices

Volume 33, Issue 9

1 -- 3Mary Lou Soffa. 1998 SIGPLAN Awards
18 -- 19William L. Scherlis. ETAPS 98 Trip Report
20 -- 24Paul Frenger. MUCKing Around With Forth
26 -- 76Richard Kelsey, William D. Clinger, Jonathan Rees. Revised:::5::: Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
84 -- 86Charles E. McDowell. Reducing Garbage in Java
87 -- 94Adrian Johnstone, Elizabeth Scott. rdp - An Iterator-Based Recursive Descent Parser Generator with Tree Promotion Operators
95 -- 102Fuqing Yang, Hong Mei, Wanghong Yuan, Qiong Wu, Yao Guo. Experiences in Building c++ Front End
103 -- 107Christopher J. Vogt. Floating Point Performance of Common Lisp
108 -- 117John A. Atkinson-Abutridy, Anita A. Ferreira-Cabrera. The Design and Implementation of the GILENA Natural Language Interface Specification System

Volume 33, Issue 8

1 -- 3Benjamin G. Zorn. An Invitation to OOPSLA 98
16 -- 0Enrico Pontelli. Programming with {SETS} - An International Forum of Discussion
17 -- 22Paul McNamee, Marty Hall. Developing a Tool for Memoizing Functions in C++ (C++ Toolbox)
23 -- 27Philip Wadler. Why No One Uses Functional Languages
28 -- 31Paul Frenger. A Tribute to FIG-Forth
34 -- 39Carl D. Offner. Per Brinch Hansen s Concerns about High Performance Fortran
40 -- 47Jonathan L. Schilling. Optimizing Away C++ Exception Handling
48 -- 50Pascal Ledru. JSpace: Implementation of a Linda System in Java
51 -- 56Pascal Ledru. A Traveling Saleman in Java

Volume 33, Issue 6

1 -- 2A. Michael Berman. SIGPLAN Notices - Where We Are, Wher We re Going
16 -- 0Barbara G. Ryder. MASPLAS 98 - Conference Report
17 -- 23Matthias Felleisen, Robby Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi. The DrScheme Project: An Overview
24 -- 26Paul Frenger. Forth in Space, or, So NEAR Yet So Far Out
27 -- 31Henry G. Baker. You Could Learn a Lot from a Quadratic: Newton Squares the Circle
33 -- 38Peter Kokol, Janez Brest. Fractal Structure of Random Programs
39 -- 47Yariv Aridor, Shimon Cohen, Amiram Yehudai. Design of an Actor Language for Implicit Parallel Programming
48 -- 53K. Rangarajan, P. Eswar. Understanding Class Evolution Through Atomic Changes
54 -- 60F. H. D. van Batenburg, Ellen de Ridder, Joseph de Kerf. APL Extended Compared With Other Languages According to Halstead s Theory
61 -- 64Massimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola. Static Header as Sentinel

Volume 33, Issue 4

16 -- 0Rex Jaeschke. ISO Committee Document for C9X and Public Comment Period - The C Programming Language
17 -- 20Andrew W. Appel. SSA is Functional Programming
21 -- 25Paul Frenger. The Talking Toaster
28 -- 29G. Alan Creak. Garbage: Two New Structures
31 -- 33Fintan Culwin. Editorial - Justifying Java?
34 -- 39Peter Martin. Java, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
40 -- 43Jeremy Gibbons. Structured Programing in Java
44 -- 52Barry Cornelius. Using CORBA and JDBC to Produce Three Tier Systems
53 -- 61Peter Burton. Kinds Of Language, Kinds Of Learning

Volume 33, Issue 3

1 -- 0Peter Lee. SIGPLAN Supports Your Professional Activities
16 -- 20Peter H. Salus. Languages of the Net (Historial Notes)
21 -- 23Paul Frenger. The Growing Machine, a Pre-Forth Language Implementation
24 -- 35Henry G. Baker. March Möbius Madness with a Polynomial PostScript, March 32, 1998
38 -- 56Ronald E. Prather. A Modular Mathematical Programming Language
57 -- 64Per Brinch Hansen. An Evaluation of High Performance Fortran
65 -- 72Per Brinch Hansen. An Evaluation of The Message-Passing Interface
73 -- 79Oscar Azañón Esteire, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle. J - Set of Tools for Native Code Generation for the Java Virtual Machine

Volume 33, Issue 2

1 -- 0Robert R. Kessler. Executive Commitee News: SIGPLAN Conferences
15 -- 17Enrico Pontelli. Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming
18 -- 24Cass W. Everitt, John van der Zwaag, Robert J. Moorhead. COST: Common Object Support Toolkit (C++ Toolbox)
25 -- 30Philip Wadler. An Angry Half-Dozen
31 -- 33Paul Frenger. Observations on the EuroForth 97 Conference
34 -- 39Henry G. Baker. You Could Learn a Lot from a Quadratic: II. Digital Dentistry
41 -- 47Mária Bieliková, Pavol Návrat. Learning Programming in Prolog Using Schemata
48 -- 55Andrew Kitchen. A Formal Approach to the Teaching of Programming Language Concepts
56 -- 58Günter Dotzel, Hartmut Goebel. 64 Bit Oberon
59 -- 64K. Rangarajan, A. Balasubramaniam. Whene are Two Classes Equivalent?
65 -- 67Baowen Xu. Comments On Several Syntax Rules in Ada95

Volume 33, Issue 12

1 -- 0Mary Lou Soffa, David Notkin. SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT Joint Efforts
16 -- 19Brent W. Benson Jr.. Eat Your Own Dog Food
20 -- 24Chris Clark. Overlapping Token Definitions
25 -- 31Paul Frenger. Mind.Forth: Thoughts on Artificail Intelligence and Forth
33 -- 0Alexander Sakharov. Letter: Processing Recursive Data Types in Java
34 -- 0Kurt Svensson. Index in BNF Grammars (Short Comment)
35 -- 43Vineeth Kumar Paleri, Y. N. Srikant, Priti Shankar. A Simple Algorithm for Partial Redundancy Elimination
44 -- 51Igor D. D. Curcio. ASAP - A Simple Assertion Pre-processor
52 -- 56Nick Hatzigeorgiu, Apostolos Syropoulos. Literate Programming and the Spaniel Method
57 -- 65Marjan Hericko, Matjaz B. Juric, Ales Zivkovic, Ivan Rozman, Tomaz Domajnko, Marjan Krisper. Java and Distributed Object Models: An Analysis
66 -- 71Timothy A. Budd. Functional Programming and the Fragile Base Class Problem
72 -- 80Masud Ahmad Malik. Evolution of the High Level Programming Languages: A Critical Perspective
81 -- 88Charles D. Havener. EQL - The Query Language You Never Heard Of

Volume 33, Issue 1

1 -- 2Fritz Henglein. SIGPLAN and the World Series
15 -- 21Roger K. DeBry. Report of the IFIP Technical Committee on Software TC-2 Meeting
22 -- 29Dieter Gluche, Dietmar Kühl, Karsten Weihe. Iterators Evaluate Table Queries (C++ Toolbox)
30 -- 38Henry G. Baker. You Could Learn a Lot from a Quadratic: I. Overloading Considered Harmful
40 -- 47Nadia Nedjah. Minimal Deterministic Left-to-Right Pattern-Matching Automata
48 -- 55Nicolas Anquetil, Jean G. Vaucher. Expressing Opposition in the Object Model, First Step towards Negation
56 -- 60Charles E. McDowell, Elizabeth A. Baldwin. Unloading Java Classes That Contain Static Fields
61 -- 69Xiaocong Fan, Dianxiang Xu, Hou Jianmin, Guoliang Zheng. SPLAW: A Computable Language for Agent-oriented Programming