Journal: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

Volume 6, Issue 7

613 -- 629Chen-Yu Chow. A kind of structure model for double porosity medium systems and its application
631 -- 646Marisol Delgado, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez. A bond graph approach to the modeling and simulation of switch regulated DC-to-DC power supplies
647 -- 656Nikolay D. Sakhnenko, M. V. Ved, K. V. Nikiforov. Simulation of metal-polymer coating system for service life prediction
657 -- 663Catalina Stefanescu. Simulation of a multitype Galton-Watson chain
665 -- 687Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger, Carsten Scholtes. Execution behavior analysis and performance prediction for a shared-memory implementation of an irregular particle simulation method