- Felix Lange, Immanuel Kunz. Evolution of secure development lifecycles and maturity models in the context of hosted solutions. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(12), December 2024.
- Pankajeshwara Nand Sharma, Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Nigel Stanger. How are decisions made in open source software communities? - Uncovering rationale from python email repositories. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(4), April 2024.
- Amjad AbuHassan, Mohammad R. Alshayeb, Lahouari Ghouti. Software refactoring side effects. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(1), January 2024.
- Xiaobing Sun 0001, Lili Li, Lili Bo, Xiaojun Wu 0001, Ying Wei, Bin Li 0006. Automatic software vulnerability classification by extracting vulnerability triggers. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(2), February 2024.
- Yue Yan, Shujuan Jiang, Yanmei Zhang, Cheng Zhang. Improving fault localization via weighted execution graph and graph attention network. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(6), June 2024.
- Xiaobing Wang, Chunyi Li, Liang Zhao. Requirement specification extraction and analysis based on propositional projection temporal logic. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(4), April 2024.
- Linghan Meng, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen 0015, Mingliang Ma, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. Hybrid mutation driven testing for natural language inference. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(10), October 2024.
- Ming Yan, Junjie Chen 0003, Xuejie Cao, Zhuo Wu, Yuning Kang, Zan Wang. Revisiting deep neural network test coverage from the test effectiveness perspective. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(4), April 2024.
- Maurizio Leotta, Filippo Ricca, Alessandro Marchetto 0001, Dario Olianas. An empirical study to compare three web test automation approaches: NLP-based, programmable, and capture&replay. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(5), May 2024.
- Shunhui Ji, Jiahao Gong, Hai Dong, Pengcheng Zhang 0001, Shaoqing Zhu. IABC-TCG: Improved artificial bee colony algorithm-based test case generation for smart contracts. Journal of Software Maintenance, 36(12), December 2024.