Journal: Social Netw. Analys. Mining

Volume 2, Issue 4

291 -- 303Guangying Hua, Dominique Haughton. A network analysis of an online expertise sharing community
305 -- 328Vasanth Nair, Sumeet Dua. Folksonomy-based ad hoc community detection in online social networks
329 -- 344Daniel Schall, Florian Skopik. Social network mining of requester communities in crowdsourcing markets
345 -- 359Mahadevan Vasudevan, Narsingh Deo. Efficient community identification in complex networks
361 -- 371Remy Cazabet, Hideaki Takeda, Masahiro Hamasaki, Frédéric Amblard. Using dynamic community detection to identify trends in user-generated content
373 -- 385Achim Rettinger, Hendrik Wermser, Yi Huang, Volker Tresp. Context-aware tensor decomposition for relation prediction in social networks
387 -- 404Said Kashoob, James Caverlee. Temporal dynamics of communities in social bookmarking systems
405 -- 417Bradley S. Rees, Keith B. Gallagher. Overlapping community detection using a community optimized graph swarm