Journal: IEEE Signal Process. Lett.

Volume 10, Issue 10

285 -- 288Maurice F. Aburdene, Jin Xie, Richard J. Kozick. Efficient computation of discrete polynomial transforms
289 -- 292Jinshan Tang, Eli Peli, Scott T. Acton. Image enhancement using a contrast measure in the compressed domain
293 -- 295Fabio Lazzaroni, Riccardo Leonardi, Alberto Signoroni. High-performance embedded morphological wavelet coding
296 -- 299Aria Nosratinia. Postprocessing of JPEG-2000 images to remove compression artifacts
300 -- 302Yvo Boers, Hans Driessen. A particle-filter-based detection scheme
303 -- 306Patrick de Smet, Ignace Bruyland. Optimized recursive subband synthesis windowing for implementing efficient MPEG audio decoders
307 -- 310Soo-Chang Pei, Chien-Cheng Tseng. An efficient design of a variable fractional delay filter using a first-order differentiator
311 -- 314Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis, Ioannis T. Rekanos. Detection of explosive lung and bowel sounds by means of fractal dimension