Journal: IEEE Signal Process. Lett.

Volume 16, Issue 2

65 -- 68Pere Martí-Puig. Two Families of Radix-2 FFT Algorithms With Ordered Input and Output Data
69 -- 72Xiaolong Li, Bin Yang, Daofang Cheng, Tieyong Zeng. A Generalization of LSB Matching
73 -- 76Leming Qu, Partha S. Routh, Phil D. Anno. Wavelet Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
77 -- 80Younseok Choo, GinKyu Choi. On Pascal Matrix for Transforming Lowpass Analog Filter to Bandpass Digital Filter
81 -- 84Bo Li, Bin Xu, Yeshu Yuan. Preestimation-Based Array Interpolation Approach to Coherent Source Localization Using Multiple Sparse Subarrays
85 -- 0Marco Kühne, Roberto Togneri, Sven Nordholm. Robust Source Localization in Reverberant Environments Based on Weighted Fuzzy Clustering
89 -- 92Benny Sällberg, Nedelko Grbic, Ingvar Claesson. Statistical Analysis of a Local Quadratic Criterion for Blind Speech Extraction
93 -- 96Huazhong Shu, Jiasong Wu, Lotfi Senhadji, Limin Luo. New Fast Algorithm for Modulated Complex Lapped Transform With Sine Windowing Function
97 -- 100Jiying Wu, GaoYun An, Qiuqi Ruan. Independent Gabor Analysis of Discriminant Features Fusion for Face Recognition
101 -- 104Henrique Mohallem Paiva, Marcelo Nascimento Martins, Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão, Juliana Pereira Paiva. On the Space of Orthonormal Wavelets: Additional Constraints to Ensure Two Vanishing Moments
105 -- 108Jingen Ni, Feng Li. A Variable Regularization Matrix Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter
109 -- 111David B. H. Tay. Comments on "Design of Halfband Filters for Orthogonal Wavelets Via Sum of Squares Decomposition"
112 -- 0Runyi Yu, Aryaz Baradarani. Reply to "Comments on 'Design of Halfband Filters for Orthogonal Wavelets via Sum of Squares Decomposition' "
113 -- 116Feng Xu, Francis C. M. Lau, Qing F. Zhou, Dian-wu Yue. Outage Performance of Cooperative Communication Systems Using Opportunistic Relaying and Selection Combining Receiver
117 -- 120Chan-Byoung Chae, Robert W. Heath. On the Optimality of Linear Multiuser MIMO Beamforming for a Two-User Two-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast System
121 -- 124Bertrand Mesot, David Barber. A Simple Alternative Derivation of the Expectation Correction Algorithm
125 -- 128Yeh-Shun Chen, Ran-Zan Wang. Steganalysis of Reversible Contrast Mapping Watermarking
129 -- 132Jing Hu, Wen-wen Tung, Jianbo Gao. A New Way to Model Nonstationary Sea Clutter
133 -- 136Sang-Yong Lee, Jae-Tack Yoo, Yogendera Kumar, Soo-Won Kim. Reduced Energy-Ratio Measure for Robust Autofocusing in Digital Camera
137 -- 140Chong Xu, Robert G. Maunder, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo. Near-Optimum Multiuser Detectors Using Soft-Output Ant-Colony-Optimization for the DS-CDMA Uplink