Journal: ACM StandardView

Volume 2, Issue 1

3 -- 13Carl F. Cargill. Evolution and revolution in open systems
14 -- 17Kate McMillan. The secretariat in formal standards development
18 -- 26Roy McKean. The role of branding in establishing open systems
27 -- 33David Rowley. A third-party supplier looks at open systems and standards
34 -- 40Vincent J. Kowalski, Bruno Karcher. Industry consortia in open systems
41 -- 45Richard Jaross. A user forum perspective: the changing open systems user
46 -- 49Henry Lowe. Internet/OSI application migration/portability
50 -- 54Roy Rada, Steve Carson, Christopher T. Haynes, James W. Moore. IT standards development and consensus: three case studies
55 -- 59James F. Leathrum, K. A. Liburdy. Automated testing of POSIX standards