Journal: TAL

Volume 51, Issue 3

7 -- 17Agata Jackiewicz, Susan Hunston, Marc El-Bèze. Introduction
19 -- 46Damien Poirier, Françoise Fessant, Isabelle Tellier. From opinion classification to recommendations: How texts from a social network can help
47 -- 73Aurélien Bossard, Michel Généreux, Thierry Poibeau. Automatic Summarization of Opinionated Texts
75 -- 100Alexander Pak, Patrick Paroubek. Microblogging for Micro Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
101 -- 130Rémi Lavalley, Chloé Clavel, Patrice Bellot. A probabilistic approach for extracting opinion-related word chains from texts
131 -- 154Frédérik Cailliau, Ariane Cavet. Shaping the Course of a Conversation through Sentiment Analysis on Speech Transcripts

Volume 51, Issue 2

11 -- 39Delphine Bernhard. Unsupervised learning of morphological families: comparison of methods and multilingual aspects
41 -- 63Alexandre Patry, Philippe Langlais. PARADOCS: A Language Independant Go-Between for Mating Parallel Documents
65 -- 93Josep Maria Crego, Gregor Leusch, Aurélien Max, Hermann Ney, François Yvon. Lexical Micro-adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation
95 -- 117Anil Kumar Singh, Sethuramalingam Subramaniam, Taraka Rama. Transliteration as Alignment vs. Transliteration as Generation for Crosslingual Information Retrieval

Volume 51, Issue 1

11 -- 40Richard Beaufort. Filtered Composition and Markers for a Flexible Edit-Distance. Application to the Correction of Out-Of-Vocabulary Words
41 -- 63Marion Laignelet, François Rioult. Automatic Tracking of Obsolescent Segments with Linguistic Cues
65 -- 96Cédric Messiant, Kata Gábor, Thierry Poibeau. Lexical acquisition from corpora: the case of subcategorization frames in French
97 -- 123Silvia Quarteroni. Personalized Question Answering
125 -- 149Matthieu Vernier, Laura Monceaux. Enhancement of a subjective word lexicon by semantic tests