Journal: The American Mathematical Monthly

Volume 110, Issue 8

665 -- 678Charles W. Curtis. Richard Brauer: Sketches from His Life and Work
679 -- 693Hans Havlicek, Gunter Weiß. Altitudes of a Tetrahedron and Traceless Quadratic Forms
694 -- 706Daniel J. Acosta. Newton's Rule of Signs for Imaginary Roots
707 -- 717Matthias Beck, Moshe Cohen, Jessica Cuomo, Paul Gribelyuk. The Number of "Magic" Squares, Cubes, and Hypercubes
718 -- 726Leonard F. Klosinski, Gerald L. Alexanderson, Loren C. Larson. The Sixty-Third William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
727 -- 729Razvan A. Satnoianu. Erdős-Mordell-Type Inequalities in a Triangle
730 -- 735Chris Impens. Stirling's Series Made Easy
736 -- 737Nicolas Lichiardopol. A New Proof of Wedderburn's Theorem
737 -- 741Karim Boulabiar, Gerard Buskes. After the Determinants Are down: A Criterion for Invertibility
742 -- 0M. N. Deshpande, R. M. Welukar. Problem 11033
742 -- 0Omer Yayenie. Problem 11035
742 -- 0William P. Wardlaw. Problem 11034
743 -- 0Noah Rosenberg, Richard Stong. Problem 11039
743 -- 0M. L. Glasser. Problem 11036
743 -- 0Floor van Lamoen. Problem 11038
743 -- 0M. L. J. Hautus. Problem 11037
743 -- 744Greg Martin, Jonathan Bloom, Dan Saracino. Three Proper Subgroups Covering a Group: 10911
744 -- 745Jean Anglesio, Kenneth F. Andersen. A Recursively Defined Series for π/4: 10912
745 -- 746Giovanni Falcone, Richard Stong, Nasha Komanda. A Combination of Cyclotomic Polynomials: 10914
746 -- 747Mathias Beck, Nasha Komanda. A Congruence Involving Ceilings: 10918
746 -- 0Gertrude Ehrlich, Reiner Martin. The Jug Problem with a Source and a Sink: 10916
747 -- 0André Kündgen, Radhika Ramamurthi, Reiner Martin. Maximal Paths in Bipartite Graphs: 10920
747 -- 749Marcin Mazur, Roberto Tauraso, Michel Bataille. A Root Inequality: 10944