Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

Volume 27, Issue 6

677 -- 696James W. Modestino, Vasudev Bhaskaran, John B. Anderson. Tree encoding of images in the presence of channel errors
697 -- 707Leon Biederman, Jim K. Omura, Pravin C. Jain. Decoding with approximate channel statistics for bandlimited nonlinear satellite channels
708 -- 720Robert M. Gray, Augustine H. Gray Jr., Guillermo Rebolledo, John E. Shore. Rate-distortion speech coding with a minimum discrimination information distortion measure
721 -- 727John C. Kieffer. Block coding for weakly continuous channels
728 -- 734Motoaki Ohkubo. Universal coding for multiple access channels
735 -- 745Elias Masry. The reconstruction of analog signals from the sign of their noisy samples
746 -- 754Peter A. Galko, Subbarayan Pasupathy. The mean power spectral density of Markov chain driven signals
755 -- 771Ning Hsing Lu, Bruce A. Eisenstein. Detection of weak signals in non-Gaussian noise
772 -- 779Joseph Hammer, Jennifer Seberry. Higher dimensional orthogonal designs and applications
780 -- 0Boris Ryabko. Comments on A source matching approach to finding minimax codes by L. D. Davisson and A. Leon-Garcia
781 -- 0Wen-Chen Chen, Robert J. Fontana. On total boundedness for existence of weakly minimax universal codes
784 -- 0Robert J. Fontana. On universal coding for classes of composite and remote sources with memory
786 -- 0Hiroshi Sato. The capacity of the Gaussian interference channel under strong interference
788 -- 0László Györfi, István Kerekes. A block code for noiseless asynchronous multiple-access OR channel
791 -- 0León Vidaller Siso, B. Riera Garcia. On detection of a class of synchronization errors
794 -- 0Simeon C. Ntafos, S. Louis Hakimi. On the complexity of some coding problems
796 -- 0F. Jessie MacWilliams, Judith B. Seery. The weight distributions of some minimal cyclic codes
807 -- 0Guy Pasquier. A binary extremal doubly even self-dual code (64, 32, 12) obtained from an extended Reed-Solomon code over Fl6
808 -- 0Bernard Courteau, Gilles Fournier, Reine Fournier. A characterization of N-weight projective codes
812 -- 0Tadao Kasami. Comments on Determining the burst-correcting limit of cyclic codes by H. J. Matt, and J. L. Massey
812 -- 0Jhong S. Lee, Robert H. French, Yoon K. Hong. Correction to Error Performance of Differentially Coherent Detection of Binary DPSK Data Transmission on the Hard-Limiting satellite Channel

Volume 27, Issue 5

533 -- 547Robert Michael Tanner. A recursive approach to low complexity codes
548 -- 555Tor Helleseth, Henk C. A. van Tilborg. A new class of codes meeting the Griesmer bound
556 -- 564Shojiro Sakata. On determining the independent point set for doubly periodic arrays and encoding two-dimensional cyclic codes and their duals
565 -- 569John C. Kieffer. A method for proving multiterminal source coding theorems
570 -- 576Kenko Uchida. Optimal coding in two-user white Gaussian channels with feedback
577 -- 580James A. Bucklew. Upper bounds to the asymptotic performance of block quantizers
581 -- 595Odile Macchi, Louis L. Scharf. A dynamic programming algorithm for simultaneous phase estimation and data decoding on random-phase channels
596 -- 606Sawasd Tantaratana, John B. Thomas. A class of nonparametric sequential tests
607 -- 621Salvatore D. Morgera. Structured estimation, II: Multivariate probability density estimation
622 -- 626Robert D. Short II, Keinosuke Fukunaga. The optimal distance measure for nearest neighbor classification
627 -- 637Rangasami L. Kashyap, Ramalingam Chellappa. Stochastic models for closed boundary analysis: Representation and reconstruction
638 -- 0Wieger J. Reitsema. A lower bound on the free distance of convolutional codes related to cyclic codes
640 -- 0Cornelius Roos. On t-constant codes and designs
643 -- 0Agnes Hui Chan, Richard A. Games. (n, k, t)-covering systems and error-trapping decoding
646 -- 0Teofilo C. Ancheta Jr.. An upper bound on the ratio of the probabilities of subgroups and cosets
647 -- 0Subhash C. Kak, Amitava Chatterjee. On decimal sequences
652 -- 0T. E. McCannon, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.. On a class of random processes exhibiting optimal nonlinear one-step predictors
656 -- 0T. T. Kadota, Frank M. Labianca. A fourth-order homogeneous random field in oceanography
659 -- 0K. B. Lakshmanan. On Universal Codeword Sets
663 -- 0A. J. Estin, W. C. Daywitt. Evaluation of signal-plus-noise detection error in an envelope detector with logarithmic compression
664 -- 0Essam Khalaf Al-Hussaini, Khalaf El-Dab Ahmad. On the identifiability of finite mixtures of distributions
669 -- 0Said M. Elnoubi. Efficient spectrum utilization in mobil radio communications systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
669 -- 0Alexander Drukarev. Error control using sequential decoding with repeat request (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
670 -- 0Lee D. Davisson. Review of Principles of Digital Communications and Coding (A. J. Viterbi and J. K. Omura, 1979)

Volume 27, Issue 4

393 -- 397Robert J. McEliece. Practical codes for photon communication
398 -- 408Rudolf Ahlswede, Imre Csiszár. To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information
409 -- 413Thomas M. Cover, Robert J. McEliece, Edward C. Posner. Asynchronous multiple-access channel capacity
414 -- 419Prakash Narayan, Donald L. Snyder. The two-user cutoff rate for an asynchronous and a synchronous multiple-access channel are the same
420 -- 430Thomas H. E. Ericson, Ingemar Ingemarsson. A two-way communication problem with application to information retrieval
431 -- 437Lee D. Davisson, Giuseppe Longo, Andrea Sgarro. The error exponent for the noiseless encoding of finite ergodic Markov sources
438 -- 445Patrick L. Brockett, Perry D. Haaland, Arnold Levine. Information theoretic analysis of questionnaire data
446 -- 461Patrick Dewilde, Harry Dym. Schur recursions, error formulas, and convergence of rational estimators for stationary stochastic sequences
462 -- 471Mark G. Karpovsky. Weight distribution of translates, covering radius, and perfect codes correcting errors of given weights
472 -- 482John E. Shore, Rodney W. Johnson. Properties of cross-entropy minimization
483 -- 488Jan M. Van Campenhout, Thomas M. Cover. Maximum entropy and conditional probability
489 -- 497Jhong S. Lee, Robert H. French, Yoon K. Hong. Error performance of differentially coherent detection of binary DPSK data transmission on the hard-limiting satellite channel
498 -- 0A. F. M. Smith, Udi E. Makov. Unsupervised learning for signal versus noise
500 -- 0George E. Kokolakis. Bayesian classification and classification performance for independent distributions
502 -- 0John H. Park Jr.. Two-user dispersive communication channels
505 -- 0Motoaki Ohkubo. A strong outer bound to the capacity region for multiple access channels
508 -- 0Abbas A. El Gamal. The capacity of the physically degraded Gaussian broadcast channel with feedback
511 -- 0Andrew C. Goris, Jerry D. Gibson. Incremental tree coding of speech
516 -- 0James George Dunham, Robert M. Gray. Joint source and noisy channel trellis encoding
519 -- 0Wolfgang Mauersberger. An analytic function describing the error performance of optimum quantizers
521 -- 0R. J. Webster. Comments on Anomalous behavior of receiver output SNR as a predictor of signal detection performance exemplified for quadratic receivers and incoherent fading Gaussian channels by W. A. Gardner
523 -- 0Julia Abrahams, John B. Thomas. Some comments on conditionally Markov and reciprocal Gaussian processes
525 -- 0T. Mimaki, Masami Tanabe, D. Wolf. The multipeak property of the distribution densities of the level-crossing intervals of a Gaussian random process
527 -- 0Yasuichi Horibe. Entropy and an optimal random number transformation
529 -- 0James R. Schatz. The second order Reed-Muller code of length 64 has covering radius 18

Volume 27, Issue 3

269 -- 279Lee D. Davisson, Robert J. McEliece, Michael B. Pursley, Mark S. Wallace. Efficient universal noiseless source codes
280 -- 291Christopher B. Jones. An efficient coding system for long source sequences
292 -- 298Thomas M. Cover, Cyril S. K. Leung. An achievable rate region for the multiple-access channel with feedback
299 -- 307Hirosuke Yamamoto. Source coding theory for cascade and branching communication systems
308 -- 316Robert J. Fontana, Robert M. Gray, John C. Kieffer. Asymptotically mean stationary channels
317 -- 321James W. Sennott, Linn I. Sennott. A queueing model for analysis of a bursty multiple-access communication channel
322 -- 326Thomas H. E. Ericson. Modulation by means of linear periodic filtering
327 -- 338Neil J. A. Sloane. Tables of sphere packings and spherical codes
339 -- 342Roland G. Wilson. Orthogonal multilevel pseudorandom sequences and impulse sequences derived from them
343 -- 0Bradley W. Dickinson. Properties and applications of Gaussian autoregressive processes in detection theory
348 -- 0Takeshi Hashimoto, Suguru Arimoto. A hierarchy of codes for memoryless channels
350 -- 0Shigeichi Hirasawa, Masao Kasahara, Yasuo Sugiyama, Toshihiko Namekawa. An improvement of error exponents at low rates for the generalized version of concatenated codes
352 -- 0Ezio Biglieri. The computational cutoff rate of channels having memory
357 -- 0John B. Anderson. Simulated error performance of multi-h phase codes
362 -- 0László Györfi. The rate of convergence of k::n::-NN regression estimates and classification rules
364 -- 0Wlodzimierz Greblicki. Asymptotic efficiency of classifying procedures using the Hermite series estimate of multivariate probability densities
366 -- 368Jorge I. Galdos. A rate distortion theory lower bound on desired function filtering error
368 -- 0William A. Gardner. Design of nearest prototype signal classifiers
372 -- 0Panayota Papantoni-Kazakos. Sliding block encoders that are rho-bar continuous functions of their input
376 -- 0Dimitris Anastassiou, David J. Sakrison. A probability model for simple closed random curves
381 -- 0Panlop Zeephongsekul. Almost total information convergence of order alpha for a sequence of point processes
383 -- 0Choon Peng Tan. On the entropy of the Malay language
385 -- 0Neil J. A. Sloane. Review of Projective Geometries over Finite Fields (J. W. P. Hirschfeld, 1979)
385 -- 0Peter E. Caines. Review of Linear Systems (T. Kailath, 1980)
387 -- 0Mark D. Vanstrum. An algorithm for optimal linear map (M.S. Thesis abstr.)
387 -- 0Kou-Hu Tzou. Digital decoding of convolutional codes (Thesis abstr.)
387 -- 0Aurel A. Lazar. Optimal information processing using counting point process observations (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)

Volume 27, Issue 2

145 -- 151Nicholas Pippenger. Bounds on the performance of protocols for a multiple-access broadcast channel
152 -- 159. Asymmetries in relativistic information flow
160 -- 167Kon S. Leung, Lloyd R. Welch. Erasure decoding in burst-error channels
168 -- 175I. M. Boyarinov, G. L. Katsman. Linear unequal error protection codes
176 -- 180Jeffrey S. Leon, Vera Pless, Neil J. A. Sloane. On ternary self-dual codes of length 24
181 -- 186Hideki Imai, Hiroshi Fujiya. Generalized tensor product codes
187 -- 198Laurence B. Milstein. Maximum-likelihood estimation of the angular position and extent of a target
199 -- 206Raphail E. Krichevsky, Victor K. Trofimov. The performance of universal encoding
207 -- 211James A. Bucklew. Companding and random quantization in several dimensions
212 -- 226Johann-Heinrich Jahn. Coding of arbitrarily varying multiuser channels
227 -- 0Kenneth M. Mackenthun Jr.. Noiseless coding of error detection information
230 -- 0Pierre A. Humblet. Generalization of Huffman coding to minimize the probability of buffer overflow
232 -- 0Gunter Dueck. A note on the multiple access channel with correlated sources
235 -- 0Dennis R. Morgan. Analysis of digital random numbers generated from serial samples of correlated Gaussian noise
239 -- 0P. E. Cheng, R. J. Serfling. Asymptotic mean integrated squared errors of some nonparametric density estimators
242 -- 0Saleem A. Kassam. Robust hypothesis testing for bounded classes of probability densities
247 -- 0Jitendra K. Tugnait. Asymptotic stability of the MMSE linear filter for systems with uncertain observations
250 -- 0Mats L. Cedervall, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg. A class of perfect block codes for the binary channel associated with differentially encoded PSK signals with coherent detection
254 -- 0Chin-Long Chen. High-speed decoding of BCH codes
256 -- 0Tai-Yang Hwang. A relation between the row weight and column weight distributions of a matrix
257 -- 0Torleiv Kløve. A lower bound for A(n, 4, w)
258 -- 0Vijay K. Bhargava, George Young, A. K. Bhargava. A characterization of a (56, 28) extremal self-dual code
260 -- 0Saligram G. S. Shiva, Paul E. Allard, Gérald E. Séguin. A class of composite codes
262 -- 0Pramod K. Varshney. Combined quantization-detection of uncertain signals
266 -- 0Nader Mehravari. The straddle algorithm for conflict resolution in multiple access channels (M.S. Thesis abstr.)

Volume 27, Issue 1

5 -- 11Imre Csiszár, János Körner. Graph decomposition: A new key to coding theorems
12 -- 22Jorma Rissanen, Glen G. Langdon Jr.. Universal modeling and coding
23 -- 30Yosihiko Ogata. On Lewis simulation method for point processes
31 -- 42Yasuo Matsuyama, Robert M. Gray. Universal tree encoding for speech
41 -- 48Shih-Chun Chang, Jack K. Wolf. On the T-user M-frequency noiseless multiple-access channel with and without intensity information
49 -- 60Te Sun Han, Kingo Kobayashi. A new achievable rate region for the interference channel
61 -- 76John R. Pierce, Edward C. Posner, Eugene R. Rodemich. The capacity of the photon counting channel
77 -- 83Richard G. Ogier, Eugene Wong. Recursive linear smoothing of two-dimensional random fields
84 -- 96Elias Masry, Stamatis Cambanis. Consistent estimation of continuous-time signals from nonlinear transformations of noisy samples
97 -- 98Dimitri Kazakos. New convergence bounds for Bayes estimators
105 -- 113David C. Farden. Stochastic approximation with correlated data
114 -- 0Pierre R. Chevillat. N-user trellis coding for a class of multiple-access channels
120 -- 0Abbas A. El Gamal, Edward C. van der Meulen. A proof of Marton s coding theorem for the discrete memoryless broadcast channel
122 -- 0Te Sun Han. The capacity region for the deterministic broadcast channel with a common message
125 -- 0Philippe Delsarte, Philippe Piret. Bounds and constructions for binary asymmetric error-correcting codes
128 -- 0Torleiv Kløve. Upper bounds on codes correcting asymmetric errors
131 -- 0Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Moshe Zakai. On lower bounds for the nonlinear filtering problem
132 -- 0Joel M. Morris. On single-sample robust detection of known signals with additive unknown-mean amplitude-bounded random interference - II: The randomized decision rule solution
136 -- 0Bal Kishan Dass, Sunil Kumar Muttoo. Comments on Error-locating codes - A new concept in error control by J. K. Wolf and B. Elspas
137 -- 0Nimal Ekanayake, Desmond P. Taylor. Correction to CPSK Signaling over Hard Limited Channels in Additive Gaussian Noise and Intersymbol Interference
139 -- 0George R. Davis. Exploration techniques for the evaluation of digital communications equipment (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
139 -- 0Samiresh C. Bose. Two-dimensional smoothing of a vector Laplacian random field with application to geodesy (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
139 -- 0Deborah J. Bergstrand. New uniqueness proofs for the (5, 8, 24), (5, 6, 12), and related Steiner systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
140 -- 0Yalçin Tanik. A study of the LMS adaptive filter and two new methods for convergence rate improvement (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
140 -- 0Roberto Garcia-Muñoz. Coding for a class of sources (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)
140 -- 0Suryanarayana V. Varanasi. Statistical analysis of zero-crossing sampling digital fading phase-locked loops (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.)