Journal: ACM Trans. Management Inf. Syst.

Volume 2, Issue 4

20 -- 0Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Robert O. Briggs. Toward a broader vision for Information Systems
21 -- 0Balaji Padmanabhan, Alan R. Hevner, Michael Cuenco, Crystal Shi. From information to operations: Service quality and customer retention
22 -- 0Huaxia Rui, Andrew B. Whinston. Designing a social-broadcasting-based business intelligence system
23 -- 0Hina Arora, T. S. Raghu, Ajay S. Vinze. Decision support for containing pandemic propagation
24 -- 0Paulo Góes, Noyan Ilk, Wei T. Yue, J. Leon Zhao. Live-chat agent assignments to heterogeneous e-customers under imperfect classification
25 -- 0Raymond Y. K. Lau, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Kaiquan Xu, Yunqing Xia, Yuefeng Li. Text mining and probabilistic language modeling for online review spam detection
26 -- 0Frederik Marx, Jörg H. Mayer, Robert Winter. Six principles for redesigning executive information systems - findings of a survey and evaluation of a prototype

Volume 2, Issue 3

13 -- 0Alexander Tuzhilin. Knowledge management revisited: Old Dogs, New tricks
14 -- 0Juliana Sutanto, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Bernard C. Y. Tan. Eliciting a sense of virtual community among knowledge contributors
15 -- 0Jing Peng, Daniel Dajun Zeng, Zan Huang. Latent subject-centered modeling of collaborative tagging: An application in social search
16 -- 0Mohammad M. Masud, Tahseen Al-Khateeb, Kevin W. Hamlen, Jing Gao, Latifur Khan, Jiawei Han, Bhavani M. Thuraisingham. Cloud-based malware detection for evolving data streams
17 -- 0Susanne Schmidt-Rauch, Gerhard Schwabe. From telesales to tele-advisory in travel agencies: Business problems, generic design goals and requirements
18 -- 0Ke-wei Huang, Zhuolun Li. A multilabel text classification algorithm for labeling risk factors in SEC form 10-K
19 -- 0Ming-Chih Lin, Anthony J. T. Lee, Rung-Tai Kao, Kuo-Tay Chen. Stock price movement prediction using representative prototypes of financial reports

Volume 2, Issue 2

7 -- 0Paul Jen-Hwa Hu, Hsinchun Chen. Analyzing information systems researchers productivity and impacts: A perspective on the H index
8 -- 0Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, James R. Marsden, Ramesh Sankaranarayanan. Digital goods and markets: Emerging issues and challenges
10 -- 0Anna Ye Du, Sanjukta Das, Ram D. Gopal, Ram Ramesh. Risk hedging in storage grid markets: Do options add value to forwards?
11 -- 0Jun Liu, Sudha Ram. Who does what: Collaboration patterns in the wikipedia and their impact on article quality
12 -- 0D. Harrison McKnight, Michelle Carter, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Paul F. Clay. Trust in a specific technology: An investigation of its components and measures

Volume 2, Issue 1

1 -- 0Hsinchun Chen. Editorial: Design science, grand challenges, and societal impacts
2 -- 0Michael Chau. Visualizing web search results using glyphs: Design and evaluation of a flower metaphor
3 -- 0Feng-Yang Kuo, Chun-Po Yin. A linguistic analysis of group support systems interactions for uncovering social realities of organizations
4 -- 0Gerald C. Kane. A multimethod study of information quality in wiki collaboration
5 -- 0Gregory S. Dawson, Richard T. Watson. Uncovering and testing archetypes of effective public sector CIOs
6 -- 0Debabrata Dey, Ming Fan, Gang Peng. Computer use and wage returns: The complementary roles of IT-related human capital and nonroutine tasks