Journal: ACM Trans. Management Inf. Syst.

Volume 3, Issue 4

17 -- 0Ee-Peng Lim, Hsinchun Chen, Guoqing Chen. Business Intelligence and Analytics: Research Directions
18 -- 0Bin Zhang, Andrew C. Thomas, Patrick Doreian, David Krackhardt, Ramayya Krishnan. Contrasting Multiple Social Network Autocorrelations for Binary Outcomes, With Applications To Technology Adoption
19 -- 0Nargis Pervin, Fang Fang, Anindya Datta, Kaushik Dutta, Debra E. VanderMeer. Fast, Scalable, and Context-Sensitive Detection of Trending Topics in Microblog Post Streams
20 -- 0Zhu Zhang, Chenhui Guo, Paulo Góes. Product Comparison Networks for Competitive Analysis of Online Word-of-Mouth

Volume 3, Issue 3

12 -- 0Roger H. L. Chiang, Paulo Góes, Edward A. Stohr. Business Intelligence and Analytics Education, and Program Development: A Unique Opportunity for the Information Systems Discipline
13 -- 0Palakorn Achananuparp, Ee-Peng Lim, Jing Jiang, Tuan-Anh Hoang. Who is Retweeting the Tweeters? Modeling, Originating, and Promoting Behaviors in the Twitter Network
14 -- 0Hsin-Min Lu, Feng-Tse Tsai, Hsinchun Chen, Mao-Wei Hung, Shu-Hsing Li. Credit Rating Change Modeling Using News and Financial Ratios
15 -- 0Wei Wei, Sudha Ram. Using a Network Analysis Approach for Organizing Social Bookmarking Tags and Enabling Web Content Discovery
16 -- 0Nan Hu, Hasan Cavusoglu, Ling Liu, Chenkai Ni. Do Vendors' Pricing Decisions Fully Reflect Information in Online Reviews?

Volume 3, Issue 2

7 -- 0Wil M. P. van der Aalst. Process Mining: Overview and Opportunities
8 -- 0Zhe Shan, Akhil Kumar. Optimal Adapter Creation for Process Composition in Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication
9 -- 0Zan Huang, Huimin Zhao, Dan Zhu. Two New Prediction-Driven Approaches to Discrete Choice Prediction
10 -- 0Thomas L. Ngo-Ye, Atish P. Sinha. Analyzing Online Review Helpfulness Using a Regressional ReliefF-Enhanced Text Mining Method
11 -- 0Philipp Nussbaumer, Inu Matter, Gerhard Schwabe. "Enforced" vs. "Casual" Transparency - Findings from IT-Supported Financial Advisory Encounters

Volume 3, Issue 1

1 -- 0Fred Niederman, Salvatore T. March. Design science and the accumulation of knowledge in the information systems discipline
2 -- 0K. Asli Basoglu, Mark A. Fuller, Joseph S. Valacich. Enhancement of recall within technology-mediated teams through the use of online visual artifacts
3 -- 0Gediminas Adomavicius, Jingjing Zhang. Impact of data characteristics on recommender systems performance
4 -- 0William N. Robinson, Arash Akhlaghi, Tianjie Deng, Ali Raza Syed. Discovery and diagnosis of behavioral transitions in patient event streams
5 -- 0Zhu Zhang, Xin Li, Yubo Chen. Deciphering word-of-mouth in social media: Text-based metrics of consumer reviews
6 -- 0Arvind Malhotra, Ann Majchrzak. How virtual teams use their virtual workspace to coordinate knowledge