Journal: ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul.

Volume 1, Issue 4

283 -- 307Yi-Bing Lin, Bruno R. Preiss. Optimal Memory Management for Time Warp Parallel Simulation
308 -- 347Larry Soulé, Anoop Gupta. An Evaluation of the Chandy-Misra-Bryant Algorithm for Digital Logic Simulation
348 -- 385Rajive Bagrodia, K. Mani Chandy, Wen-Toh Liao. A Unifying Framework for Distributed Simulation
386 -- 406Robert E. Felderman, Leonard Kleinrock. Bounds and Approximations for Self-Initiating Distributed Simulation Without Lookahead

Volume 1, Issue 3

195 -- 218Bernard P. Zeigler, Cheng-Jye Luh, Tag Gon Kim. Model Base Management for Multifacetted Systems
219 -- 243Greg Lomow, Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto. Mechanisms for User-Invoked Retraction of Events in Time Warp
244 -- 274Vijay K. Madisetti, Jean C. Walrand, David G. Messerschmitt. Asynchronous Algorithms for the Parallel Simulation of Event-Driven Dynamical Systems

Volume 1, Issue 2

89 -- 98Philip J. Kiviat. Simulation, Technology, and the Decision Process
99 -- 112Shu Tezuka, Pierre L Ecuyer. Efficient and Portable Combined Tausworthe Random Number Generators
113 -- 153D. P. Sanderson, R. Sharma, Roman Rozin, Siegfried Treu. The Hierarchical Simulation Language HSL: A Versatile Tool for Process-Oriented Simulation
154 -- 193Boris D. Lubachevsky, Alan Weiss, Adam Shwartz. An Analysis of Rollback-Based Simulation

Volume 1, Issue 1

3 -- 23Peter W. Glynn, Philip Heidelberger. Analysis of Parallel Replicated Simulations Under a Completion Time Constraint
24 -- 50David M. Nicol. Performance Bounds on Parallel Self-Initiating Discrete-Event Simulations
51 -- 72Yi-Bing Lin, Edward D. Lazowska. A Study of Time Warp Rollback Mechanisms
73 -- 83Yi-Bing Lin, Edward D. Lazowska. A Time-Division Algorithm for Parallel Simulation