Journal: Journal of Computer Languages

Volume 10, Issue 6

563 -- 0Timothy K. Shih, Kazuo Sugihara. Special Issue on Distributed Multimedia (Editorial)
565 -- 584Eugenio Di Sciascio, Marina Mongiello. Query by Sketch and Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval over the Web
585 -- 606Sougata Mukherjea, Junghoo Cho. Automatically Determining Semantics for World Wide Web Multimedia Information Retrieval
607 -- 623Hangzheng Li, Hongchi Shi. A Fast Algorithm for Reconstructing Motion-Compensated Blocks in Compressed Domain
625 -- 639Sheng-Tun Li, Wen-Shen Chen. A Java-centric Distributed Object-based Paradigm for Surveillance Services and Visual Message Exchange
641 -- 671Fernando Ferri, Fernanda Massari, Maurizio Rafanelli. A Pictorial Query Language for Geographic Features in an Object-Oriented Environment

Volume 10, Issue 4

313 -- 316Kim Marriott, Bernd Meyer. Guest Editor s Introduction
317 -- 342Corin A. Gurr. Effective Diagrammatic Communication: Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Issues
343 -- 380Paolo Bottoni, Maria Francesca Costabile, Stefano Levialdi, Piero Mussio. On Orders in Visual Interaction
381 -- 419Gennaro Costagliola, Filomena Ferrucci. Symbolic Picture Languages and their Decidability and Complexity Properties
421 -- 445Volker Haarslev. A Logic-based Formalism for Reasoning about Visual Representations
451 -- 453Fabio Paternò. Special Issue on Formal Methods for Visual Interaction (Editorial)
455 -- 479Richard Butterworth, Ann Blandford, David J. Duke. Using Formal Models to Explore Display-Based Usability Issues
481 -- 507Rémi Bastide, Philippe A. Palanque. A Visual and Formal Glue between Application and Interaction
509 -- 521Peter W. Fach. Interaction Games: Using Familiar Concepts in User-Interface Design
523 -- 558Christopher A. Miller. Bridging the Information Transfer Gap: Measuring Goodness of Information Fit

Volume 10, Issue 3

191 -- 192Shi-Kuo Chang, Stefano Levialdi. Preface
193 -- 213Paul McCartney, Kenneth J. Goldman. End-User Visualization and Manipulation of Distributed Aggregate Data
215 -- 243Kang Zhang, Tom Hintz, Xianwu Ma. The Role of Graphics in Parallel Program Development
245 -- 267Margaret-Anne D. Storey, F. David Fracchia, Hausi A. Müller. Customizing a Fisheye View Algorithm to Preserve the Mental Map
269 -- 289Daniel Hernández, Erland Jungert. Qualitative Motion of Point-like Objects
291 -- 309Byung-Woo Min, Ho-Sub Yoon, Jung Soh, Takeshi Ohashi, Toshiaki Ejima. Visual Recognition of Static/Dynamic Gesture: Gesture-Driven Editing System

Volume 10, Issue 2

99 -- 115Patrizia Palamidese. A Virtual Reality Interface for Space Planning Tasks
117 -- 145Francesca Benzi, Dario Maio, Stefano Rizzi. VISIONARY: a Viewpoint-based Visual Language for Querying Relational Databases
147 -- 164Fang-Jung Hsu, Suh-Yin Lee, Bao-Shuh P. Lin. 2D C-Tree Spatial Representation for Iconic Image
165 -- 187Alberto Del Bimbo, Enrico Vicario. A Visual Formalism for Computational Tree Logic

Volume 10, Issue 1

1 -- 2Suzanne Weghorst, Thomas A. Furness. Special Issue on Virtual Environment Interaction (Editorial)
3 -- 17Shumin Zhai, Eser Kandogan, Barton A. Smith, Ted Selker. In Search of the Magic Carpet : Design and Experimentation of a Bimanual 3D Navigation Interface
19 -- 35Ivan Poupyrev, Tadao Ichikawa. Manipulating Objects in Virtual Worlds: Categorization and Empirical Evaluation of Interaction Techniques
37 -- 53Doug A. Bowman, Larry F. Hodges. Formalizing the Design, Evaluation, and Application of Interaction Techniques for Immersive Virtual Environments
55 -- 68Hanqiu Sun, Xiaobu Yuan, George Baciu, Yunqing Gu. Direct Virtual-hand Interface in Robot Assembly Programming
69 -- 85Tainchi Lu, Ming-Tang Lin, Chungnan Lee. Control Mechanism for Large-Scale Virtual Environments
87 -- 97Giuseppe Riva. From Technology to Communication: Psycho-social Issues in Developing Virtual Environments