Journal: IEEE Wireless Commun.

Volume 10, Issue 6

6 -- 13Sébastien Simoens, Pietro Pellati, Jeremy Gosteau, Karine Gosse, Chris Ware. The evolution of 5GHz WLAN toward higher throughputs
14 -- 21Andreas F. Molisch, Jeffrey R. Foerster, Marcus Pendergrass. Channel models for ultrawideband personal area networks
22 -- 29Nada Golmie, Nicolas Chevrollier, Olivier Rébala. Bluetooth and WLAN coexistence: challenges and solutions
30 -- 39Frank H. P. Fitzek, Diego Angelini, Gianluca Mazzini, Michele Zorzi. Design and performance of an enhanced IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol for multihop coverage extension
40 -- 50Stefan Mangold, Sunghyun Choi, Guido R. Hiertz, Ole Klein, Bernhard Walke. Analysis of IEEE 802.11e for QoS support in wireless LANs
52 -- 61Luca Salgarelli, Milind M. Buddhikot, Juan A. Garay, Sarvar Patel, Scott C. Miller. Efficient authentication and key distribution in wireless IP networks
62 -- 69Miltiadis Kyriakakos, Nikolaos Frangiadakis, Lazaros F. Merakos, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades. Enhanced path prediction for network resource management in wireless LANs
70 -- 80Matthias Unbehaun, Max Kamenetsky. On the deployment of picocellular wireless infrastructure

Volume 10, Issue 5

8 -- 14Jangeun Jun, Mihail L. Sichitiu. The nominal capacity of wireless mesh networks
16 -- 21Jahan Hassan, Sanjay Jha. Cell hopping: a lightweight architecture for wireless communications
22 -- 28Arup Acharya, Archan Misra, Sorav Bansal. High-performance architectures for IP-based multihop 802.11 networks
30 -- 37Rajiv Chakravorty, Ian Pratt, Jon Crowcroft. A framework for dynamic SLA-based QoS control for UMTS
38 -- 44Bongkyo Moon, Hamid Aghvami. Diffserv extensions for QoS provisioning in IP mobility environments
46 -- 53Kristiaan Venken, Ignacio Gomez Vinagre, Johan De Vriendt. Analysis of the evolution to an IP-based UMTS terrestrial radio access network
54 -- 61Nilanjan Banerjee, Wei Wu, Sajal K. Das. Mobility support in wireless Internet
62 -- 69K. Daniel Wong, Ashutosh Dutta, James Burns, Ravi Jain, Kenneth Young, Henning Schulzrinne. A multilayered mobility management scheme for auto-configured wireless IP networks
70 -- 79Michael Meyer, Joachim Sachs, Markus Holzke. Performance evaluation of a TCP proxy in WCDMA networks

Volume 10, Issue 4

6 -- 7Theodore B. Zahariadis, Dimitri Kazakos. (R)evolution toward 4G mobile communication systems
8 -- 15Riaz Esmailzadeh, Masao Nakagawa, Alan Jones. TDD-CDMA for the 4th generation of wireless communications
16 -- 24Vijay K. Jain, Brent A. Myers. OWSS: a new signaling system for 100-150-Mb/s wireless LANs
26 -- 35Dave Wisely, Hamid Aghvami, Samuel Louis Gwyn, Theodore Zahariadis, Jukka Manner, Vangelis Gazis, Nikos Houssos, Nancy Alonistioti. Transparent IP radio access for next-generation mobile networks
36 -- 43Giuseppe Araniti, Antonio Iera, Salvatore Pulitanò, Antonella Molinaro. Managing IP traffic in radio access networks of next-generation mobile systems
44 -- 51Panagiotis Demestichas, Nikolaos Koutsouris, George Koundourakis, Kostas Tsagkaris, Antonis Oikonomou, Vera Stavroulaki, Louisa Papadopoulou, Michalis E. Theologou, Guillaume Vivier, Karim El-Khazen. Management of networks and services in a composite radio context
52 -- 61Nikos Houssos, Athanassia Alonistioti, Lazaros F. Merakos, Markus Dillinger, Michael Fahrmair, Maurice Schoenmakers. Advanced adaptability and profile management framework for the support of flexible mobile service provision
62 -- 65Dan Avidor, Dan Furman, Jonathan Ling, Constantinos B. Papadias. On the financial impact of capacity-enhancing technologies to wireless operators
66 -- 75Oliver Haase, Kazutaka Murakami, Thomas LaPorta. Unified Mobility Manager: enabling efficient SIP/UMTS mobile network control

Volume 10, Issue 3

6 -- 7Antonio Iera, Antonella Molinaro, Klara Nahrstedt. QoS in next-generation wireless multimedia communications systems
8 -- 16William K. Wong, Haiying Julie Zhu, Victor C. M. Leung. Soft QoS provisioning using the token bank fair queuing scheduling algorithm
18 -- 25Glenn Platt, Kent Pedersen, Benoist Sebire. Introducing the GERAN flexible layer one concept
26 -- 34Wasan Pattara-Atikom, Prashant Krishnamurthy, Sujata Banerjee. Distributed mechanisms for quality of service in wireless LANs
36 -- 43António Grilo, Mário Macedo, Mário Serafim Nunes. A scheduling algorithm for QoS support in IEEE802.11 networks
44 -- 52Prasant Mohapatra, Jian Li, Chao Gui. Qos in mobile a hoc networks
54 -- 62Victor Marques, Rui L. Aguiar, Carlos García, Jose Ignacio Moreno, Christophe Beaujean, Eric Melin, Marco Liebsch. An IP-based QoS architecture for 4G operator scenarios

Volume 10, Issue 2

8 -- 14Mike Wolf, Dieter Kreß. Short-range wireless infrared transmission: the link buoget compared to RF
15 -- 21Thomas Lüftner, Christian Kröpl, Richard Hagelauer, Mario Huemer, Robert Weigel, Josef Hausner. Wireless infrared communications with edge position modulation for mobile devices
22 -- 29Vasileios Vitsas, Peter Barker, Anthony C. Boucouvalas. IrDA infrared wireless communications: protocol throughput optimization
30 -- 35Mohsen Kavehrad, Svetla Jivkova. Indoor broadband optical wireless communications: optical subsystems designs and their impact on channel characteristics
36 -- 44António R. Tavares, Rui T. Valadas, Rui L. Aguiar, A. M. de Oliveira Duarte. Experimental characterization of rate-adaptive transmission and angle diversity reception techniques
45 -- 53Hossein Izadpanah, Tamer A. ElBatt, Vikas Kukshya, Frank Dolezal, Bo Ryu. High-availability free space optical and RF hybrid wireless networks
54 -- 63K.-K. Wong, Tim O'Farrell. Spread spectrum techniques for indoor wireless IR communications
64 -- 72R. J. Dickenson, Zabih Ghassemlooy. A feature extraction and pattern recognition receiver employing wavelet analysis and artificial intelligence for signal detection in diffuse optical wireless communications

Volume 10, Issue 1

7 -- 14Hideaki Yumiba, Koji Yamamoto, Masami Yabusaki. The design policy for a GSM-based IMT-2000 network
15 -- 21Toshiyuki Tamura, Tomoya Takahashi, Takashi Morita, Koji Ohtaki, Hideo Takeda. IMT-2000 core network node systems
22 -- 28Soojin Kim, HyungJoon Cho, HeeHyuck Hahm, Sang-Yun Lee, Myung-Sung Lee. Interoperability between UMTS and cdma2000 networks
29 -- 35Anders Roos, Magnus Hartman, Stephen Dutnall. Critical issues for roaming in 3G
36 -- 42Björn Landfeldt, Sanchai Rattananon, Aruna Seneviratne. Providing scalable and deployable addressing in third-generation cellular-networks
43 -- 48Sami Uskela. Key concepts for evolution toward beyond 3G networks
49 -- 55Eva Gustafsson, Annika Jonsson. Always best connected
56 -- 61Shlomi Arnon, Dorit Bhastekar, Debbie Kedar, Amir Tauber. A comparative study of wireless communication network configurations for medical applications