Journal: Wiley Interdisc. Rew.: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Volume 4, Issue 6

411 -- 444Eva Lucrecia Gibaja Galindo, Sebastián Ventura. Multi-label learning: a review of the state of the art and ongoing research
445 -- 469Juan Luis Olmo, José Raúl Romero, Sebastián Ventura. Swarm-based metaheuristics in automatic programming: a survey

Volume 4, Issue 5

341 -- 355Geoffrey J. McLachlan, Suren I. Rathnayake. On the number of components in a Gaussian mixture model
356 -- 379Tuong Le, Bay Vo, Giang Nguyen. A survey of erasable itemset mining algorithms
380 -- 409Alberto Fernández, Sara del Río, Victoria López, Abdullah Bawakid, María José del Jesús, José Manuel Benítez, Francisco Herrera. Big Data with Cloud Computing: an insight on the computing environment, MapReduce, and programming frameworks

Volume 4, Issue 4

269 -- 280Vicenç Torra, Guillermo Navarro-Arribas. Data privacy
281 -- 295Paula Brito. Symbolic Data Analysis: another look at the interaction of Data Mining and Statistics
296 -- 312David A. Morrison. Phylogenetic networks: a new form of multivariate data summary for data mining and exploratory data analysis
313 -- 326Jan Kremer, Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, Christian Igel. Active learning with support vector machines
327 -- 340Issam El-Naqa. Biomedical informatics and panomics for evidence-based radiation therapy

Volume 4, Issue 3

161 -- 177Maria Camila Nardini Barioni, Humberto Luiz Razente, Alessandra M. R. Marcelino, Agma J. M. Traina, Caetano Traina Jr.. Open issues for partitioning clustering methods: an overview
178 -- 195Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Jürgen Branke, Jörn Mehnen, Olaf Mersmann. Evolutionary Algorithms
196 -- 212Frank Höppner, Sebastian Peter. Temporal interval pattern languages to characterize time flow
213 -- 233Yue Huang, Xuedong Gao. Clustering on heterogeneous networks
234 -- 267Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, José Luis Rojo-Álvarez, Manel Martínez-Ramón, Gustavo Camps-Valls. Support vector machines in engineering: an overview

Volume 4, Issue 2

87 -- 103Cristóbal J. Carmona, Pedro González, María José del Jesús, Francisco Herrera. Overview on evolutionary subgroup discovery: analysis of the suitability and potential of the search performed by evolutionary algorithms
104 -- 115Qibin Zhao, Liqing Zhang, Andrzej Cichocki. Multilinear and nonlinear generalizations of partial least squares: an overview of recent advances
116 -- 138Mohamed Medhat Gaber, João Gama, Shonali Krishnaswamy, João Bártolo Gomes, Frederic Stahl. Data stream mining in ubiquitous environments: state-of-the-art and current directions
139 -- 151Kalpa Gunaratna, Sarasi Lalithsena, Amit P. Sheth. Alignment and dataset identification of linked data in Semantic Web
152 -- 159Abdullah Mueen. Time series motif discovery: dimensions and applications

Volume 4, Issue 1

1 -- 23Xun Zhou, Shashi Shekhar, Reem Y. Ali. Spatiotemporal change footprint pattern discovery: an inter-disciplinary survey
24 -- 37Hongxing Wang, Gangqiang Zhao, Junsong Yuan. Visual pattern discovery in image and video data: a brief survey
38 -- 54Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, João Gama. Distributed clustering of ubiquitous data streams
55 -- 63Andreas Ziegler, Inke R. König. Mining data with random forests: current options for real-world applications
64 -- 70Purificación Cariñena. Fuzzy temporal association rules: combining temporal and quantitative data to increase rule expressiveness
71 -- 86Bernie C. Till, Justin Longo, A. Rod Dobell, Peter F. Driessen. Self-organizing maps for latent semantic analysis of free-form text in support of public policy analysis