Journal: Wireless Personal Communications

Volume 18, Issue 3

211 -- 226Jyh-Horng Wen, Jenn-Kaie Lain. Carrier Planning Issues for TDMA Personal Communication System
227 -- 245Pablo García-Escalle, Vicente Casares Giner. Evaluating Registration and Interrogation Costs in a PCS Network
247 -- 274Anirban Roy, Pallapa Venkataram. Design of a Link Control Protocol for Multimedia Services in Wireless Local Communication
275 -- 287Ser Wah Oh, Kwok Hung Li. Performance Evaluation for Forward-Link Cellular DS-CDMA over Frequency-Selective Nakagami Multipath Fading Channels
289 -- 317S. Kotrotsos, G. V. Kotsakis, Panagiotis Demestichas, Evangelia Tzifa, Vasiliki Demesticha, Miltiades E. Anagnostou. Formulation and Computationally Efficient Algorithms for an Interference-Oriented Version of the Frequency Assignment Problem

Volume 18, Issue 2

105 -- 128Agnes Ligeti, Slimane Ben Slimane. Local Coverage Probability Estimation in Single Frequency Networks
129 -- 147Emad K. Al-Hussaini, Hebatallah M. Mourad, Ahmad S. Harmal. Joint Detection and Diversity Techniques in CDMA Mobile Radio Systems
149 -- 163Girish Ganesan, Petre Stoica. Utilizing Space-Time Diversity for Wireless Communications
165 -- 178Girish Ganesan, Petre Stoica. Space-Time Diversity Using Orthogonal and Amicable Orthogonal Designs
179 -- 192Chenyang Li, Sumit Roy. Performance of Frequency-Time MMSE Equalizer for MC-CDMA over Multipath Fading Channel
193 -- 209Patrick U. Volz, Mario E. Magaña. Performance Improvement of IS-95 CDMA Uplink Using Decision Feedback and Sub-Optimal Viterbi Decoding

Volume 18, Issue 1

1 -- 12H. M. Tan, W. C. Wong, H. K. Garg, X. H. Chen. Performance of a Power-Controlled Packet-Switched CDMA Network
13 -- 23S. H. Lau, W. C. Wong. Interference Reduction in Packet-Switched Time Division Duplexing Systems
25 -- 44Jung-Shyr Wu, Jen-Kung Chung. Performance Study for Two-Tier CDMA Cellular Systems with Multi-Channel Access
45 -- 65Tao Wan, Asrar U. Sheikh. Performance Analysis of Buffered CSMA/CD Systems
67 -- 78Jung-Shyr Wu, Jen-Kung Chung, Bor-Jiunn Hwang. Multi-Channel Assignment Schemes and Handoff Study in CDMA Cellular Systems
79 -- 92Tai-Kuo Woo. Space Partitioning Hybrid Channel Assignment Scheme for Cellular Networks
93 -- 105Jiang Yue, M. A. Do. Performance of a Multicarrier CDMA System with Rayleigh Fading Multipath Channels