199 | -- | 214 | Willie Chang, Hamdy S. Soliman. A neural synaptic compression codec for efficient image transmission |
215 | -- | 224 | Jan B. Punt, Dirk Sparreboom. Summing received signal powers with arbitrary probability density functions on a logarithmic scale |
225 | -- | 241 | L. Stola, G. L. Urso, P. Tenani. Indoor propagation: Experimental validation at 1.7 GHz of a UTD-based approach |
243 | -- | 256 | Mohamed El Otmani, Michel Lecours. Indoor radio measurements and simulations with polarization diversity |
257 | -- | 271 | Paul Marinier, Gilles Y. Delisle, Larbi Talbi. A coverage prediction technique for indoor wireless millimeter waves system |
273 | -- | 286 | Jae-Soo Kim, Sahng H. Park, Patrick W. Dowd, Nasser M. Nasrabadi. Channel assignment in cellular radio using genetic algorithms |
287 | -- | 298 | Mark D. Austin, Gordon L. Stüber. Direction biased handoff algorithms for urban microcells |
299 | -- | 317 | Khaled Ben Letaief, Justin C.-I. Chuang, Ross D. Murch. A high-speed transmission method for wireless personal communications |
319 | -- | 336 | Lynn D. Gottesman, Laurence B. Milstein. The performance of a direct-sequence spread-spectrum acquisition system using a linear prediction filter for narrowband interference suppression |