Journal: Wireless Personal Communications

Volume 3, Issue 4

341 -- 345Stephen K. Barton. Editorial introduction - The HIgh PErformance Radio Local Area Network (HIPERLAN)
347 -- 351Annette Henley. A discussion of some of the issues facing the regulator in dealing with the newly developing nomadic services including HIPERLAN
353 -- 363John Airs. Comparative indoor RF channel soundings at 2, 5 & 17 GHz
365 -- 388Andrew R. Nix, Georgia E. Athanasiadou, Joseph McGeehan. Predicted HIPERLAN coverage and Outage performance at 5.2 and 17 GHz using indoor 3-D ray-tracing techniques
389 -- 396Y. Jay Guo, A. Paez, R. Ali Sadeghzadeh, Stephen K. Barton. A patch antenna for HIPERLAN
397 -- 410Chintha Tellambura, Y. Jay Guo, Stephen K. Barton. Equaliser Performance for HIPERLAN in indoor channels
411 -- 419Chintha Tellambura, Y. Jay Guo, Stephen K. Barton. Co-channel and self-interference analysis for indoor wireless channels
421 -- 427Babak Daneshrad. The HIPERLAN equalizer ASIC complexity and its relationship with the training header
429 -- 443I. R. Johnson, Stephen K. Barton. Signal processing hardware in a radio LAN demonstrator

Volume 3, Issue 3

199 -- 214Willie Chang, Hamdy S. Soliman. A neural synaptic compression codec for efficient image transmission
215 -- 224Jan B. Punt, Dirk Sparreboom. Summing received signal powers with arbitrary probability density functions on a logarithmic scale
225 -- 241L. Stola, G. L. Urso, P. Tenani. Indoor propagation: Experimental validation at 1.7 GHz of a UTD-based approach
243 -- 256Mohamed El Otmani, Michel Lecours. Indoor radio measurements and simulations with polarization diversity
257 -- 271Paul Marinier, Gilles Y. Delisle, Larbi Talbi. A coverage prediction technique for indoor wireless millimeter waves system
273 -- 286Jae-Soo Kim, Sahng H. Park, Patrick W. Dowd, Nasser M. Nasrabadi. Channel assignment in cellular radio using genetic algorithms
287 -- 298Mark D. Austin, Gordon L. Stüber. Direction biased handoff algorithms for urban microcells
299 -- 317Khaled Ben Letaief, Justin C.-I. Chuang, Ross D. Murch. A high-speed transmission method for wireless personal communications
319 -- 336Lynn D. Gottesman, Laurence B. Milstein. The performance of a direct-sequence spread-spectrum acquisition system using a linear prediction filter for narrowband interference suppression

Volume 3, Issue 1-2

1 -- 15Parag Agashe, Brian D. Woerner. Interference cancellation for a multicellular CDMA environment
17 -- 36Luc Vandendorpe, Olivier van de Wiel. Performance analysis of linear joint equalization and multiple access interference cancellation for multitone CDMA
37 -- 53Wookwon Lee, Raymond L. Pickholtz. Convergence analysis of a CM array for CDMA systems
55 -- 71Yeheskel Bar-Ness, J. B. Punt. Adaptive "Bootstrap" CDMA multi-user detector
73 -- 89Xiao C. Bernstein, Alexander M. Haimovich. Space-time optimum combining for CDMA communications
91 -- 110Zoran Zvonar, Milica Stojanovic. Performance of antenna diversity multiuser receivers in CDMA channels with imperfect fading estimation
111 -- 128Vieri Vanghi, Branimir R. Vojcic. Soft interference cancellation in multiuser communications
129 -- 147Frank van Heeswyk, David D. Falconer, Asrar U. H. Sheikh. Decorrelating detectors for quasi-synchronous CDMA
149 -- 174Urbashi Mitra, H. Vincent Poor. Activity detection in a multi-user environment
175 -- 193Michael W. Mydlow, Sridevi Basavaraju, Alexandra Duel-Hallen. Decorrelating detector with diversity combining for single user frequency-selective rayleigh fading multipath channels