Journal: World Wide Web

Volume 3, Issue 4

205 -- 214Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Mikkel Ricky, Michael I. Schwartzbach. PowerForms: Declarative client-side form field validation
215 -- 229Ricardo Bianchini, Enrique V. Carrera. Analytical and experimental evaluation of cluster-based network servers
231 -- 240Julie A. McCann. The Kendra cache replacement policy and its distribution
241 -- 247Longzhuang Li, Yi Shang. A new method for automatic performance comparison of search engines
249 -- 254Bernard J. Jansen, Abby Goodrum, Amanda Spink. Searching for multimedia: analysis of audio, video and image Web queries

Volume 3, Issue 3

139 -- 151Elisa Bertino, Silvana Castano, Elena Ferrari, Marco Mesiti. Specifying and enforcing access control policies for XML document sources
153 -- 163James C. French, Allison L. Powell. Metrics for evaluating database selection techniques
165 -- 184Sourav S. Bhowmick, Sanjay Kumar Madria, Wee Keong Ng, Ee-Peng Lim. Cost-benefit analysis of web bag in a web warehouse: An analytical approach
185 -- 191Jesse S. Jin, Ruth Kurniawati. Cyberbroker: A lightweight web object collector
193 -- 203Kia Ming Phua, Siu Cheung Hui, Chai Kiat Yeo. A web-based Internet Java Phone for real-time voice communication

Volume 3, Issue 2

61 -- 63Sanjay Kumar Madria, Mukesh K. Mohania, Bharat K. Bhargava. Editorial
65 -- 77Radek Vingralek, Mehmet Sayal, Yuri Breitbart, Peter Scheuermann. Web++ architecture, design and performance
79 -- 94Nicholas Kushmerick. Wrapper verification
95 -- 109Li Chen, Kajal T. Claypool, Elke A. Rundensteiner. SERFing the web: The Re-Web approach for web re-structuring
111 -- 124Maya Ramanath, Jayant R. Haritsa. DIASPORA: A highly distributed web-query processing system
125 -- 138Günter Preuner, Michael Schrefl. A three-level schema architecture for the conceptual design of web-based information systems: from web-data management to integrated web-data and web-process management

Volume 3, Issue 1

1 -- 11Octavian Ureche, Réjean Plamondon. Digital payment systems for Internet commerce: The state of the art
13 -- 26Gustaf Neumann, Uwe Zdun. High-level design and architecture of an HTTP-based infrastructure for web applications
27 -- 42Olga De Troyer, Tom Decruyenaere. Conceptual modelling of web sites for end-users
43 -- 52Pedro S. Ripper, Marcus Fontoura, Ayrton Maia Neto, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena. V-Market: A framework for agent e-commerce systems
53 -- 59Xuehong Gan, Byrav Ramamurthy. LSMAC: An improved load sharing network service dispatcher