GeneFarm, structural and functional annotation of ::::Arabidopsis:::: gene and protein families by a network of experts

Sébastien Aubourg, Véronique Brunaud, Clémence Bruyère, Mark Cock, Richard Cooke, Annick Cottet, Arnaud Couloux, Patrice Déhais, Gilbert Deléage, Aymeric Duclert, Manuel Echeverria, Aimée Eschbach, Denis Falconet, Ghislain Filippi, Christine Gaspin, Christophe Geourjon, Jean-Michel Grienenberger, Guy Houlné, Elisabeth Jamet, Frédéric Lechauve, Olivier Leleu, Philippe Leroy, Régis Mache, Christian Meyer, Hafed Nedjari, Ioan Negrutiu, Valérie Orsini, Eric Peyretaillade, Cyril Pommier, Jeroen Raes, Jean-Loup Risler, Stéphane Rivière, Stephane Rombauts, Pierre Rouzé, Michel Schneider, Philippe Schwob, Ian Small, Ghislain Soumayet-Kampetenga, Darko Stankovski, Claire Toffano, Michael Tognolli, Michel Caboche, Alain Lecharny. GeneFarm, structural and functional annotation of ::::Arabidopsis:::: gene and protein families by a network of experts. Nucleic Acids Research, 33(Database-Issue):641-646, 2005. [doi]


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