Operational response simulation tool for epidemics within refugee and IDP settlements: A scenario-based case study of the Cox's Bazar settlement

Joseph Aylett-Bullock, Carolina Cuesta-Lázaro, Arnau Quera-Bofarull, Anjali Katta, Katherine Hoffmann Pham, Benjamin Hoover, Hendrik Strobelt, Rebeca Moreno Jimenez, Aidan Sedgewick, Egmond Samir Evers, David Kennedy, Sandra Harlass, Allen Gidraf Kahindo Maina, Ahmad Hussien, Miguel A. Luengo-Oroz. Operational response simulation tool for epidemics within refugee and IDP settlements: A scenario-based case study of the Cox's Bazar settlement. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(10), 2021. [doi]