Liquid journals: scientific journals in the Web 2.0 era

Marcos Báez, Alejandro Mussi, Fabio Casati, Aliaksandr Birukou, Maurizio Marchese. Liquid journals: scientific journals in the Web 2.0 era. In Jane Hunter, Carl Lagoze, C. Lee Giles, Yuan-Fang Li, editors, Proceedings of the 2010 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2010, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, June 21-25, 2010. pages 395-396, ACM, 2010. [doi]


In this demo we introduce a platform and a model of journal in the age of the Web called liquid journal. The goal of the model (and of the supporting platform) is to disseminate knowledge in the best possible way while also supporting scientists in the credit attribution. In a nutshell, liquid journals are collections of “interesting” links to scientific contributions, such as papers, blogs, datasets, that are related to certain topics. The content gets to the journal either by querying both conventional and non conventional sources on the Web or manually by the group of editors. Liquid journals combines depth and breath in bringing a wider spectrum of scientific contributions from different communities, while also focusing editors’ and readers’ attention on the things they care about. The demo illustrates the features and benefits of the proposed platform.