Probabilistic-Based Mixture Regression Models for Multi-Class Alignment of LC-MS Data

Getachew Befekadu, Mahlet Tadesse, Habtom W. Ressom. Probabilistic-Based Mixture Regression Models for Multi-Class Alignment of LC-MS Data. In Hamid R. Arabnia, Mary Qu Yang, Jack Y. Yang, editors, International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, BIOCOMP 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, 2 Volumes. pages 368-373, CSREA Press, 2008.


Getachew Befekadu

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Mahlet Tadesse

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Habtom W. Ressom

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Habtom W. Ressom' in Google