Sex, obesity, diabetes, and exposure to particulate matter among patients with severe asthma: Scientific insights from a comparative analysis of open clinical data sources during a five-day hackathon

Karamarie Fecho, Stanley C. Ahalt, Saravanan Arunachalam, James Champion, Christopher G. Chute, Sarah Davis, Kenneth Gersing, Gustavo Glusman, Jennifer Hadlock, Jewel Lee, Emily R. Pfaff, Max Robinson, Eric Sid, Casey Ta, Hao Xu 0006, Richard Zhu, Qian Zhu, David B. Peden. Sex, obesity, diabetes, and exposure to particulate matter among patients with severe asthma: Scientific insights from a comparative analysis of open clinical data sources during a five-day hackathon. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 100, 2019. [doi]


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