A Wireless Infrastructure for Assisting the Elderly and the Mobility Impaired

J. Antonio García-Macías, Luis E. Palafox, Ismael Villanueva. A Wireless Infrastructure for Assisting the Elderly and the Mobility Impaired. In Sigeru Omatu, Miguel Rocha, José Bravo, Florentino Fernández Riverola, Emilio Corchado, Andrés Bustillo, Juan M. Corchado, editors, Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living, 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009 Workshops, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. Proceedings, Part II. Volume 5518 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 827-830, Springer, 2009. [doi]


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