The British Isles, Vol. 1, England. Guides to Dutch Atlas Maps. Eds. Peter van der Krogt and Elger Heere. Houten, Netherlands: Hes & De Graaf; New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press, 2012. 256p. alk. paper, $115 (ISBN 9781584563006). LC 2011-592008

Jeffrey Garrett. The British Isles, Vol. 1, England. Guides to Dutch Atlas Maps. Eds. Peter van der Krogt and Elger Heere. Houten, Netherlands: Hes & De Graaf; New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press, 2012. 256p. alk. paper, $115 (ISBN 9781584563006). LC 2011-592008. C&RL, 73(5):507-508, 2012. [doi]