C3(SINGLE BOND)M Bond contribution to polarizability tensor and 3J(C1M) NMR coupling constant in 1-X-3-M-bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes

C. G. Giribet, M. C. Ruiz de Azúa, S. B. Gómez, E. L. Botek, Rubén H. Contreras, W. Adcock, E. W. Della, A. R. Krstic, I. J. Lochert. C3(SINGLE BOND)M Bond contribution to polarizability tensor and 3J(C1M) NMR coupling constant in 1-X-3-M-bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 19(2):181-188, 1998. [doi]


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