Asymptotic Cross-Entropy Weighting and Guided-Loss in Supervised Hierarchical Setting using Deep Attention Network

Charles A. Kantor, Brice Rauby, Léonard Boussioux, Emmanuel Jehanno, André-Philippe Drapeau Picard, Maxim Larrivée, Hugues Talbot. Asymptotic Cross-Entropy Weighting and Guided-Loss in Supervised Hierarchical Setting using Deep Attention Network. In Hemant Purohit, Oshani Seneviratne, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, editors, Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for Social Good, Virtual Symposium, November 13-14, 2020. Volume 2884 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 2020. [doi]


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